But anyways, I wanted to end this post on a lighter side. My 6 month appointment on Tuesday went great. My blood pressure was very good and they gave me a glucose tollerance test and we'll find out the results very soon. Lizzie's heart rate was 140 which is great. So this year may be going terrible but it is going to end with the best little blessing God could have ever given. The greatest present of all.
Here's some info on how baby Lizzie is roughly doing:
She is now about the size of an eggplant!!

And weighs about as much of a rutabaga!
That's about it! Hopefully life can get a little less stressful but alteast the baby is doing great. O and we have Lizzie's Nursery cleaned out!! We need to move the furniture (which I can't do) but atleast everything is organized. O and my husband fixed my dish washer!! :] I'm so grateful for my amazing man. I have no idea what I would do without him.
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