D.I.Y. New Mom Survival Kit Tutorial

D.I.Y. New Mom Survival Kit Tutorial

My sister-in-law is 32 weeks pregnant with her first baby. I decided that I would throw together a New Mommy Survival Kit for those first few weeks home. This could be a shower gift, hospital gift, or something you give them once the new mom is at home. You can mix an match any item you'd like, but I decided to go with a slightly more realistic approach than what I've seen on Pinterest. This might also make a GREAT gag gift that might actually come in handy!

New Mom Survival Kit Tutorial

D.I.Y. New Mommy Survival Kit

Lansinoh Breast Cream/Pads
or other favorite breastfeeding care items
These are just the best! :D

If you want to be a human pacifier, that's up to you. But I did not and in my experience, it really isn't wise because they can get too full and be unhappy.

Bottled Water
When you are nursing, you are ALWAYS thirsty! Always carry water with you everywhere you go.

Power Bars
Perfect go to snack when the new mother needs fuel because they are making milk for a human after all.

Headband/Hair Ties
Who has time to fix their hair with a new baby around?
Throw it in a quick bun or use Goody Spin Clips instead. Love those things.

Chap Stick
You are thirsty ALL THE TIME when nursing. So your lips get dry a lot.

Breath mints/gum
A new, first time mom might have issues squeezing in time to brush their teeth in between nursing sessions. But fresh breath always make you feel so much better.

Yes, I went there. They didn't have a period for nine months, and now life is making up for it.

Hemorrhoid Cream
Shhh...it happens to the best of 'em.

Coffee/Gift Card
Could b for dad but after the constant up and down all night of feeding a baby, New Mom will need a little pick-me-up to get them going in the morning if they have some where they need to be.

Hand Sanitizer
Germs are everywhere. It is essentially important New Mom Cary's this with them, so whenever a family member wants to hold the baby, they can be prepared to make sure no one shares their germs with the new bundle of joy.

Dry Shampoo/Baby Powder
Who has time for a shower with a new baby?
Sweet Pea would always wake up and start crying as soon as I jumped in the shower, NO matter what time or day or what I did before.
Did you know baby powder is the key ingredient in Dry Shampoo? I'm fairly certain that is why it is included in those travel toiletry kits that are always given as baby shower gifts. Because they aren't suppose to be used with a newborn baby...

Coupon Vouchers for cleaning/cooking/baby sitting
THE. BEST. GIFT. EVER. I didn't prepare freezer meals before my Sweet Pea was born because of my month of bed rest. And it was awesome when friends and family brought food as our welcome home gifts. My mother-in-law also helped out with cleaning. As fun as it is to sit and hold a newborn baby, New Mom needs you to help with these chores while she heals and builds her breastfeeding bond with the baby. But those baby sitting vouchers will come in handy soon, trust me.

What would you include in a New Mom Kit?

Used the label found HERE.


  1. This is a meaningful idea, and is surely to be well-recieved! You need the most random things when you bring home a baby. ;)


  2. This was an amazing and such a sweet idea!! I would include a voucher for one free babysitting service even for an hour or two so the new mom can get a few quiet minutes to herself. But totally loved this idea!! :)

  3. I ususually add some small things to go into the diaper bag and first time mom's usually give you the funny look. I put nail clippers in which I use all the time because after I gave birth, my nails broke a lot!!! I also used them to cut little strings that were hanging off my babies clothes because there are always some. I also try to get some of the small samples of Desitin and others that are usually free after coupon because they are handy in the diaper bag. My favorite one is the Wet Ones!! The small packs are hard to find but they are super great diaper bag additions because they also smell good and sometimes the other stuff doesn't take away the not so good baby smells that stick to your hands! Great box and great idea!!

  4. This is such a great idea, I wish I had received one of these when I had my first! The only thing I can think of to add is different types of pacifiers. My two little ones were both breastfed but still prefer different pacifier shapes. That moment when you find one they like and they accept it and happily sit there, as happy as if you were nursing them is like THANK GOD!! Lol.

    1. Very true. We went through two different kinds before we found our paci of choice.

  5. Interesting! I would suggest maybe a pair of ear plugs, a large container of Advil, and a looped cd that says, "I will maintain my sanity" over and over! lol Good idea!

  6. Great kit! This is exactly the kind of post I was looking for this week. Thanks for sharing. That's one lucky lady, your sister-in-law.

  7. Love this idea! One of the things I spent a lot of time doing as a new mom was watching tv or netflix (so much time sitting nursing!) So maybe a month of Netflix GC? Or a season of a favorite tv show?


Thank you for dropping by! I would love to hear what you thought. :)
