Taking Care Of Your Child’s Mental Health With These Suggestions

When it comes to our children’s mental health, sometimes we cannot be 100% sure what we can and should do to help things. Children are sponges and they can pick up on anxious feelings from adults and situations can start to affect their own mental health and wellbeing. Often feelings and emotions can’t always be explained, and making sure there is established routine and understanding can help you and your child to ensure that their mental health is positive and in a good space. So what can you do to take better care of your child’s mental health? Here are some suggestions.

"Thank You For Helping Me Bloom " - Teacher Appreciation Gift

This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of The Quaker Oats Company.

As parents we already wear many hats, and if school closures taught us anything it is that we appreciate teachers more than ever before. If you are like me, then you are having to learn new ways to keep your kiddos entertained while making sure they stay engaged in school work at home. Without ideas and the virtual help from both of my kiddos' teachers, I don't think I would have had the capabilities to manage homeschooling.

There are so many ways to thank a teacher and Quaker sent us an awesome custom box of goodies so we could easily create something special for my children's teachers. This box was filled with Quaker Kids Organic Bites & Bars along with fun activities such as a DIY Wood Heart Frame, Thank You Note Kit & Stickers, and a t-shirt and paint. So, we were inspired to create an easy craft so our children's teachers will know they are appreciated.

9 Gift Ideas for Busy Dad

Busy Dad Gift Ideas

There are many great gift ideas that you can get your dad, whether this is for Father’s Day, his birthday, or a special occasion. However, if you’ve a particularly busy dad who is moving about non-stop, then those gifts can be stepped up a notch to make it a whole lot more easier for him! Here are 8 great ideas for the busy dad.

How to Make Your Garden More Kid-Friendly: 6 Tips You Can Use

Before you have children, the safety of your garden might not be a top priority. However, as your family starts to grow, you may want to pay attention to its design. You want it to be as safe as possible for your little ones from the get-go. There are, therefore, some techniques you can use to ensure that this becomes a reality.

Of course, as they grow, you’ll also want to make it child-friendly in the sense that it’s a fun area for them to enjoy – as well as being safe. But, regardless of their age, here are 6 tips that you can use to help transform it into an environment that they love to explore:

Family Adventure Summer Fun Essentials

This list contains affiliate links.

Whether you are spending a day at the beach, staying at the lake, or just adventuring outdoors, this is a great list of needs the entire family will enjoy. We live in Georgia where is hot and humid all summer long. We are always at the beach, lake, or swimming pool, so over the years I have learned what has worked for our family.

Summer Fun, Facts, and Fantastic Adventures from National Geographic

With homeschooling and quarantining, I have been trying to find more ways for my kids to enjoy stay at home life. They are saying now that we shall see a second spike soon even though things are starting to open up slowly, but regardless it is a great idea to keep little minds reading through out the summer months so they retain information. And what a better way than with book National Geographic! Check out these brain-boosting, boredom-busting titles and enter to win too!

Camping Recipes You Should Try

If you are looking for something fun to do with the family this summer that is closer to home, a camping trip is the perfect holiday idea on a budget.

With the current state of the world we have been left uncertain, and overseas travel is unlikely to be safe for a long time. If you do want to take your family somewhere this summer, a camping trip close to home is a great idea and will allow you to stay away from people and enjoy some quality time with the ones you love.

Grab yourself some 3 room tents for families, pots and pans and plenty of board games, and let’s take a look at some of the easy family meals you can create during the perfect camping trip!

Seed’s Daily Synbiotic Subscription Review

This post is sponsored by Mamavation. All opinions are my own. #ad #accountable

I am not a newbie when it comes to probiotics. I have been recommended that I take them for so long due to my tummy troubles. I have reviewed so many over the years, especially since I started really working on my wellness journey. It doesn't matter how clean I eat, how much water I consume, or how much I work out, I will still get random abdominal pain. It has been recommended that I take probiotics and there is science to support that they can help with whole body health as well.

Any type of review of a supplement can be tricky because each person's body is so different; Is it really making my tummy feel better? Or was it just what I ate? Does my skin really look clearer? Or is it my hormones? Do I really feel more energized? Or did I just get better sleep than before? So many factors play a role for each and every person when it comes to health. The key is when ever you are taking a new supplement, write down your daily activity including sleep and what you eat. Then keep track of the claims. If it says it will help your skin, then start keeping track of how your skin is doing from day 1 to day 30.

Money Management & Spending Tips for Parents

If you’re a parent and you feel like you’re spending more money than you should be spending, it’s a good idea to take a fresh look at your approach to money management. There are so many ways to spend less and spend better so that you never end up short changing yourself.

As a parent, you’ll know how expensive life can be, so why make it even more so? We’re going to talk about some of the things you can start doing in order to spend less and manage your money better as a parent, so keep reading to learn more about that.

Gift Ideas for Dad You Can Ship

Father's Day is quickly approaching. Have you thought about what you are sending to your loved one? During these unprecedented times, I thought I would share what you can do for your day or grandfather or patriarch of your family that you can buy online and ship straight to their door. Remember that there are still many gifts that you can give that don't cost money at all. When you can't be there in person because you are protecting the person you love, then these are great options for the impossible person to buy for in your life.

This list is for a variety of type of dads. My father-in-law is probably the hardest to shop for of everyone, but I found many ideas on this list for him. Let me know in the comments which one is your favorite!

6 Unexpected Symptoms of Pregnancy (Which Are Totally, Totally Normal)

Readers who have kids will understand all-too well that parenthood is an uncertain journey across unknowable terrain. Of course there are many people who can offer you part of the road map. Your own parents, friends and colleagues, parenting book and even blogs like this one can help you to navigate certain twists and turns on the long and winding path of parenthood. But ultimately, it’s a map you need to draw yourself. And you may well find that if and when your next child comes along, the topography has changed even more. If there’s one piece of advice this blog can impart to parents, dear reader, it’s to expect uncertainty. If fact, it’s just about the only thing you can rely on. Parenthood is, by definition, wracked with uncertainty. Parents constantly agonize over whether they’re doing the right thing, whether their actions as parents measure up to those of other parents, and whether they’re doing the right thing for their little ones.

What’s more, the uncertainty begins long before your first baby is born. Pregnancy is a beautiful experience… but it can also be terrifying. Your body changes in all kinds of ways, and even when your OB-GYN lets you know exactly what to expect, you’ll likely find that something surprises you every day of your pregnancy. The good news, however, is that while many of them seem shocking most of them are totally, totally normal and not necessarily an indicator of complications. Let’s take a closer look…

Vacationing During a Pandemic at Myrtle Beach

My family recently had the opportunity to vacation at Myrtle Beach thanks to Vacation Myrtle Beach. Although I had been there before when I was younger, but my family had never been there. My husband had only ever driven through South Carolina for that matter. So I was excited for the opportunity to share a new beach with them.

What we didn't plan for was a pandemic. There is a lot happening in the world right now. Vacationing, whether it is small beach trips or camping in the mountains, is a normal thing for us. While educating my children about the new normal, I want to try to keep some of the old normal within their lives as much as possible. 

So today, I thought I would take the time to share our tips for vacationing during a pandemic. Thank you to Vacation Myrtle Beach for the complimentary accommodations at Landmark Resort during this time.

4 Components of a Great Nights Sleep

A good night’s sleep can be hard to have when you tend to have a hectic daily schedule. Work, family, and life, in general, can all contribute to an overactive day, and thus poor-quality sleep at night. Furthermore, the consequences of consistently poor sleep can include higher levels of stress and feelings of being overwhelmed, which will only make your days even more hectic.

4 Components of a Great Nights Sleep

To break that cycle, it is essential to place emphasis on getting a good night’s sleep. You can take proactive steps to increase the quantity and improve the quality of sleep that you get each night by incorporating these four components of a great night’s sleep.

3 Tips for Planning a Family Trip on a Budget

Needless to say, we all could use a little normalcy this summer! While many of us are still getting through the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re also craving a sense of normalcy. For many, that means taking a family trip. Whether you want to hit the road in an RV or fly somewhere across the globe, spending that unique relaxation time with your family is a great way to blow off some steam.

In the U.S., about 100 million families take a vacation together each year. It’s a great way to keep your kids busy, encourage bonding time, and make memories together.

But, traveling with a family can be expensive. Thankfully, there are things you can do to reach your destination without having to blow your budget. No matter where you want to go or how you plan to get there, keep these three smart tips in mind to enjoy your family trip without breaking the bank.

Donate a Mask with Every Purchase Thanks to MaskMarket

I have always believed to never live your life in fear, but God gave us a brain to think for ourselves for a reason. Be smart, prepare yourself as best you can, and stay safe. If wearing a face mask helps my family stay safe, then I will do it. Some places are requiring them these days so I have been on the hunt for one that serves it's purpose, but doesn't hurt my ears. I was also looking for some that were adjustable for my kids to wear as well.

Wearing a mask or not has become a political debate for some reason when it honestly shouldn't be. If a private establishment has rules, then they should be followed and, if not, then that establishment has the right to not let the person disobeying the rules on their property. 

Some people have diseases that can't be seen and those diseases compromise their immune system. Some people are elderly and are at risk. Wearing a mask is protecting others. My family and I choose to wear a mask when we go to different places because we are just so grateful that things are opening up again.