3 Stress-Busting Ideas for Busy Moms

Being a parent is amazing, but there is no doubt it is also a relentless task. When you are a mom, there are never any days off, and your own needs tend to be put in last place. Often life is so busy you don’t have the time or energy to think about self-care, let alone put it into practice.

3 Stress-Busting Ideas for Busy Moms

Over the past year, with quarantines in place and physical distancing measures, parents have been under increased stress as they try to homeschool the kids as well as work at home and keep up with chores. Under these circumstances, it is little surprise so many parents are feeling incredibly stressed and exhausted due to this unprecedented situation. As life returns to normal, you might be looking forward to the opportunity to focus on yourself a little more and to have the time for some self-care.

Being in a state of chronic stress is bad for your wellbeing and health, so it is crucial to find effective methods to reduce your stress levels. Why not give some of these stress-busting ideas a try to see what works for you?

How to Keep Your Marriage Strong After Kids

Marriage is something that you have to constantly work on improving. It is a lot of work, but in a healthy relationship, that work is very worth the effort put in. If you are struggling in your marriage after kids (or even before!), these tips below should be able to help you out.

How to Keep Your Marriage Strong After Kids

Here are tips on how to keep your marriage strong after kids:

10 Tricks to Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive on Any Budget

Many homeowners dream of a complete kitchen makeover. However, once they see the price associated with their dream kitchen, they realize they have to pay back some. Fortunately, small changes in a room have a major impact on the overall finished product. When you go to renovate your kitchen, make use of the following ten tips.

10 Tricks to Make Your Kitchen Look Expensive on Any Budget

How To Raise The Healthiest Kids

Healthy children will grow into healthy adults, and teaching your kids good habits for their health will help them for the rest of their life. But how can you keep your kids as healthy as possible?

How To Raise The Healthiest Kids

Romantic Getaways in New Jersey: Hot Tub Edition

New Jersey is relatively overlooked, especially when it comes to romantic getaways. However it is very underrated, there is so much culture, the beaches and the view! But for a more intimate getaway, why not check out New Jersey Romantic Spa Hotels? Everyone could use a recharge after 2020 so why not do so with a hot tub hotel? Or even a jacuzzi from jacuzzihotels24.com?

Romantic Getaways in New Jersey: Hot Tub Edition

Manage Kids Screen Time With Circle Home Plus

I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

 My son is addicted to his iPad and video games. It is taking over his brain and not in a good way at all. Since the pandemic, his screen time has only increased! His teacher has to teach his class online so she can manage both in-school and at-home learners. I have even found my son trying to sneak his iPad into his bed at night. But I am honestly tired of having the battle with my son over how much he is on a screen, that's why I did some research and found Circle Home Plus to help manage his screen time.

Manage Kids Screen Time With Circle Home Plus

Did you know? COVID-19 has caused a 500% increase in screen time for kids. Nearly half of American children spend more than six hours a day in front of a screen. One of the drawbacks? More time to search for (or stumble upon) harmful content.

Justice League Streaming on HBO Max + Get Your Merch From TvStoreOnline!

As you may or may not now, the new Justice League movie just started streaming on HBO Max! Growing up my favorite superheroes were always Batman and Wonder Woman.

I have been working off and on with TVStoreOnline to showcase some of their cool hoodies or shirts. From Costumes, Beanies, Accessories (and so much more), TVStoreOnline goes above and beyond to find merchandise featuring characters, logos, or catchphrases from your favorite TV shows, Movies, and cartoons. As the demand for rare pop culture merchandise has exponentially grown around the globe, so has TVStoreOnline. The founding members of TV Store Online still strive to generate the best selection of T-shirts, Costumes, and Accessories everyday.

Add A Fence To Your Garden With These Tips

Add A Fence To Your Garden With These Tips

A fence is a beautiful addition to any home. It can add tons of character and beauty to your property. However, before you have your new fence constructed you need to do a lot of thinking. There are lots of different design options available for you to choose between and you need to make sure you come up with the right choice for you. After all, you don’t want to have to get the fence taken down and another one constructed all over again.

Reset, Refresh, Renew with Running Press for an Amazing 2021

March 2021 marks a full year of living under various levels of quarantine, and everyone is handling the past year differently. Some changes may have been good, others not so much. Now is the time to reflect on who we were, who we are and who we want to be...

Reset, Refresh, Renew with Running Press for an Amazing 2021

How Anyone Can Learn to Love Cooking

There are some things we do out of pleasure. And then there are things that we have to do. Wouldn’t it be good, however, if those two things overlap? It would be oh so nice to do a job that we love; it wouldn’t even feel like working! And then there’s cooking. We all need to make dinner each night (apart from those nights when we get takeout). Rather than making it a laborious process each night, it should be something that we enjoy doing.

How Anyone Can Learn to Love Cooking

The good news is that even if you haven’t loved cooking in the past, that doesn’t mean that you can’t love it in the future. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some handy tips that’ll make cooking a much more enjoyable process.

Children & Hobbies: Here's How To Find A Great Hobby For Your Child

Children are little balls of energy from sun up to sun down and as parents, we exhaust ourselves trying to keep up with them. Smaller children often leave a trail of destruction behind them and older children are interested in everything and anything with a healthy dose of being fearless with it. One of the best ways to help you to get your children burning off this energy is with a hobby that'll help them to realize that they love something new, while giving them a shot at being excellent at something they love. Think back to the years you had a hobby when you were a kid, and the hours you spent at classes or getting busy with the newfound love of your life. Now think about whether these were directed by adults or hobbies you came up with on your own?

Children & Hobbies: Here's How To Find A Great Hobby For Your Child

Most children are involved in hobbies that are directed by their parents or at least gently guided by them! Whether you had a hobby that was quiet and contemplative, like model making, or you had a hobby like karate or running long distance, all of the fun, joy and chances to socialize with people outside of school are there to be had. Hobbies can benefit all children in a range of ways, but the best one is that hobbies can really help to build your child's self-esteem. Hobbies allow your children to express the accomplishments that they are involved in outside of a school environment, and they enable them to discover who they are. They are educational tools to help children to discover their interests and learn where they can develop them further, too. By being involved in new hobbies, whether this is a karate course or a place in a Gymnastics Academy for future Olympic dreaming, children will set goals and be able to make decisions for themselves. Hobbies enable them to be independent individuals with hopes and dreams that they can develop for themselves.

Safe, Family Fun at Great Wolf Lodge LaGrange

So since we didn't go anywhere at all last year for winter or spring break plus basically missed my birthday, I decided I wanted to go somewhere that I have been wanting to take the kids, but have personally never been and that was Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, GA.

Safe, Family Fun at Great Wolf Lodge LaGrange

We decided to make a weekend trip and here are my tips to get the most out of your family trip to Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, GA.

11 Ways To Ensure Your Kids Live Life With A Positive, Gleeful Attitude

As a parent, your job is to ensure that your children live the best possible life. In order to do this, they need to make sure they do a few things right. They need to always keep on the move, they need to be kind to those around them, and they need to be positive throughout most instances. If they can get these things right, then they’ll stand a great chance of living a full and happy existence. Life tends to be surprisingly straightforward most of the time, so this shouldn’t be that much of a worry. We often build lots of aspects up, only to find out that they weren’t anywhere near as difficult as we’d initially anticipated!

11 Ways To Ensure Your Kids Live Life With A Positive, Gleeful Attitude

Throughout that list of actions, we mentioned that your child should live a positive life. Positivity is one of the main things a person will need in life if they’re to be happy and successful, of course. This is obvious, but not everyone adopts this kind of mindset. You’re their parent, so you are tasked with bringing them up with the right attitude towards life. Whatever happens, you’ll want your kid(s) to fully embrace the situations and come out of them with big smiles on their faces.

They won’t just be positive, though. While the brain likes to release happy chemicals and allow us to feel happy a lot of the time, basic science won’t cover all bases. Often, our thoughts are based on our surroundings and who we have been brought up by. If you were brought up by pessimistic parents, you’ll likely be that way yourself. The brain behaves the way it does because it has been trained to do so. If you spend years thinking a certain way, then it will become second nature to you.

Fertility: Everything You Need to Know

Fertility isn’t something that we talk about too often, and a lot of the time, many of us don’t have a clue as to whether we are fertile or not and how fertile we are until we actively start trying to conceive a child. However, understanding fertility is important. Here’s more information on the subject that can help you to get to grips with the basics!

Fertility: Everything You Need to Know

Finders Keepers Hot Wheels Easter Basket Giveaway

Finders Keepers came out with the sweetest treat, just in time for Easter. The kids were so excited for the launch of the new Finders Keepers Hot Wheels! We enjoyed the delicious candy treat and had so much fun uncovering the Hot Wheels surprise. Now they can collect them all, trade with friends, and play for hours. Get them now at Walmart, Amazon, Target, just in time for Easter.

Hot Wheels Easter Basket Ideas