Christmas in July with Precious Moments

I received complimentary products to provide this post. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

Only 147 days until Christmas! Precious Moments is celebrating Christmas in July with so many wonderful pieces! We love Christmas in our house. I could listen to Christmas all year long! We decorate the house inside and out, top to bottom and some of my favorite pieces are from Precious Moments. We love all the events and everything that comes with celebrating the season.

Christmas in July with Precious Moments

This year, I decided to give the gift of Precious Moments with these timeless pieces:

Preparing Yourself For The Challenge Of Parenthood

Preparing Yourself For The Challenge Of Parenthood

Everyone knows that having children is a life-changing experience. No matter how old you are or the time you’ve spent working on this side of your life, there will always be challenges along the way that can be extremely difficult to overcome. It makes sense to take the time to prepare yourself for having children in your life, and this takes more than simply making your home ready and stocking up on the essentials. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring several areas that many parents neglect when they are waiting for their children to come along.

Preparation Tips For Becoming A New Parent

Becoming a new parent is an exciting time in your life and milestone for you. While there’s a lot to do to prepare, there’s also a lot to look forward to in the future.

Preparation Tips For Becoming A New Parent

There are steps you can take now to help you better prepare for becoming a new parent and making sure you’re in the best place possible as you grow your family. Set the nerves aside and follow these suggestions so you can feel confident in your new role and the journey you’re about to embark upon. While there will be challenges to overcome, there will also be so many wonderful times to be had that you’ll cherish forever.

Screen Free Road Trip Games Plus Free Printables

Traveling this year? We have been doing some traveling of our own (check us out on Instagram) and I have been creating some fun free printables for you to enjoy full of screen free games to play in the car!  Introduce a new game every hour. Here are some suggestions that are fun and easy to travel with.

Print our free coloring sheet for a United States road trip. Color each matching license plate until you fill it up! You can use it on multiple trips through out the year or if you are going on a long road trip. Click on the image below to print.

A Few Things You Should Know About Planning a Vacation With Children

For many of us, summer vacation has already started, and for others, it's just on the horizon. When you're a kid, the best part of the school year is summer vacation. Oh, the freedom. It's a time to rest after months of hard work and studying. And if you're a parent with children, you want to do your best to give them the best vacation so they can unwind from those stress-filled months. Summer vacation is one of the most important things a child can experience. And there are so many great activities that your family can enjoy during the summer break, especially if you've planned a big trip.

A Few Things You Should Know About Planning a Vacation With Children

How to SAVE Over $100 on Your Cable or Satellite Bill

Looking to learn HOW to lower your cable or satellite bill? Then this post is for YOU! With the inflation of our grocery bills and the crazy market, I thought I would update this post with EVEN MORE streaming options available for ways to save big!

We bought a new house back at the end of August 2016. We have a bigger home that comes with a larger mortgage payment. So we were going through our bills and thinking of what we could get rid of. We routinely do this anyway. We decided to not only drop our gym member ship (that we hadn't used in months) as well as drop satellite. So I know what you are thinking: You just made the switch to cable, but nope we completely pulled the plug and now we are saving more than $100 a month on television.

***This post was originally written in 2016, but I thought I would update it with what we are using now, new pricing, etc.***

How to SAVE Over $100 on Your Cable or Satellite Bill

We were criticized by our family when we first decided to do it. "How are you going to watch the Olympics?" "How are you going to watch 'A Christmas Story' all day on Christmas?" Serious questions, y'all. And at first, we hadn't worked out all the kinks yet. My husband did a lot of research and now I want to share all of our tips and tricks to help you save over $100 by breaking up with cable/satellite for good!

How To Prevent Your Relationship From Suffering When You're Struggling To Get Pregnant

For many people, finding that they are unable or unlikely to conceive naturally may be upsetting. Even if you don't want children, being told that you won't be able to have them may have a significant influence on your life and your view on the future. When couples learn that having a child naturally isn't an option, they often struggle, and it's not uncommon for relationships to fall apart as a result of broken hearts and a desire for a child.

How To Prevent Your Relationship From Suffering When You're Struggling To Get Pregnant

8 Foods that Help in Lowering Blood Pressure

Do you know that 1 in 3 adults is affected by high blood pressure in the UK? In England, 35% of men and 26% of women have high blood pressure. The astonishing part is that half of those patients are not diagnosed or getting treatment. Around 5 million people in England alone are not diagnosed, costing the NHS around $2 billion every year.

8 Foods that Help in Lowering Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the measure of the strength by which your heart pumps the blood around your body. High blood pressure is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, being overweight, drinking, not exercising etc.

When it comes to the physical symptoms of high blood pressure, there aren’t any. For most, high blood pressure is something that develops over the years due to the lifestyle they have. There is no single reason as it is an accumulation of several factors.

Free Back to School Supplies from iBotta

 I have been a fan of ibotta for years and saved over $1000 with them during that times. It is so easy to save, you just buy what you like, add offers in the app, and upload your receipt. They have so many great offers including any offers and always bonuses galore! Have you signed up for your free account yet?

FREE Back to School Items

At Thanksgiving they offered an entire Thanksgiving dinner for free an right now they are offering so many Back to School items completely FREE. Here's what you can get:

Books to Beat Summer Slide for Tweens

Reading is an essential part of learning development. Don't your tween slide this summer and check out these amazing titles below. Enter to WIN these great titles below as well.

Books to Beat Summer Slide for Tweens

Tips To Make Homeschooling More Fun For Parents And Kids

Many of us have taken on the role of teacher in the last 12 months, with schools closed and virtual classes encouraged. While there are benefits to spending more time with your kids and being at home, there’s no doubt that trying to balance homeschooling with working and running a household can be challenging. If you’re looking for ways to have fun while educating your children, here are some top tips.

4 Things To Think About When Considering Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation can be a useful tool for some people to help them to get out of debt, and regain some financial freedom. Debt consolidation works by you taking out another loan in order to pay the ones that you have currently. The idea is that you end up with one monthly payment to manage instead of several, and in some cases you will end up with a lower rate of interest. 

4 Things to Consider When Considering Debt Consolidation

Like any type of loan (even a freedom debt relief loan), taking out a debt consolidation loan warrants careful consideration.

Secured or unsecured

There are two types of loan, secured and unsecured

Ideas To Refresh Your Garden This Summer

Ideas To Refresh Your Garden This Summer

It’s so great when the weather is finally good enough to spend more time outdoors isn’t it? From long walks in the open countryside to days playing with the kids in the garden. Of course, that joy can be a bit overshadowed if your garden is a something of a desert. So, if you’re looking to get your garden ready for summer, then here’s some ideas for a refresh.

5 Reasons the Right Tableware Can Make Toddler Mealtimes Easier

Your toddler is a picky eater. They refuse to eat anything but chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese, so you're starting to think that maybe they just don't like food.

5 Reasons the Right Tableware Can Make Toddler Mealtimes Easier

Do you know what your problem is? It's the tableware! That's right. It doesn't matter how good of a cook you are or how tasty your recipes might be if there isn't something on their plate that appeals to them visually. The right dishes can make a huge difference when it comes to convenience and cleanliness.

Here are five reasons why the right tableware can make toddlers happy with every mealtime

Balancing Your Time When You Homeschool Your Kids

Homeschooling has become increasingly popular over the last few decades. As more and more parents venture into this type of childcare and education, though, many realize that this process isn’t as easy as it seems.

Balancing Your Time When You Homeschool Your Kids

Managing your time can be incredibly difficult, and many homeschooling parents struggle to find the time to give their children what they need. To help you out with this process, this article will be exploring some of the best ways to balance your time when you are going through this process.

How to Have a Comfortable and Interesting Family Life

With how busy most of our lives are, it leads us to put things on the back burner from time to time. This could be a hobby we had, a passion of ours or even our social lives. However, one thing that should never be put on the back burner and neglected is our family.

How to Have a Comfortable and Interesting Family Life

While family is always important, it is especially crucial to have a comfortable and interesting family life. If your family hardly speaks, or is constantly arguing with one another, it can make life difficult. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help your family life be happy, comfortable and interesting. This article is going to go over a few of them.

Shark Week Returns July 11th PLUS Shark-Tastic Summer Reading from National Geographic

It's summer and that means the three S's -- sand, sea, and SHARKS! National Geographic Kids Books is celebrating this majestic beast and its habitat with a "jaw-some" shark-themed giveaway for all ages. Chocked full of vibrant photos, exciting first hand accounts of shark encounters and weird, wild and fascinating facts, these books are perfect for shark-tastic summer reading, backseat boredom busting and the ideal gift for the shark “fin”-atic! And don't forget -- the summertime pop culture phenomena of Shark Week and SharkFest is almost here.

Shark Week Returns July 11th PLUS Shark-Tastic Summer Reading from National Geographic

Here is a brief description of each title:

Tips For Successful & Enjoyable Family Dinners

Regular family dinners are an excellent way to spend quality time with your kids and help grow a stronger bond as a unit. Your kids may moan and groan sometimes but stick with it because the long-term rewards of sharing in these moments will be worth it.

Tips For Successful & Enjoyable Family Dinners

Maybe your mealtime isn’t going as well as you hoped or you’re trying it out for the first time. In either case, it’ll be helpful to learn some tips for having and planning successful and enjoyable family dinners. While they can’t and won’t all be perfect, you can do what’s in your power to help ensure that they occur and are managed in the best way possible.

Doodle As A Stress Therapy - Learn How To Calm Down Easily

No one today is immune to the harmful influences of stress and tension, and we’re all just trying to escape it - one way or another, but how? Most people don’t realize that the things they turn to for stress relief cause more harm than good. The information overload you get from swiping through your phone in your down time or watching Netflix isn’t what you need. Most experts recommend a peaceful, calming hobby far away from the hustle and bustle of your normal life.

Doodle As A Stress Therapy - Learn How To Calm Down Easily

If that’s what’s been happening with you, consider trying to pick up doodling or drawing of some kind for yourself. There are countless benefits to the practice. It boosts mindfulness, relaxes the brain, and promotes happiness hormones.

Summer Fun with Little Bites Mini Tarts

The coupons for product redemption, information, and gift card have been provided by Entenmann’s Little Bites® so that I could try the product and share my thoughts and information about Entenmann’s Little Bites® snacks. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect the opinions of Entenmann’s Little Bites®.

 Nothing says sweet summertime like long pool days and sharing snacks with friends. We recently had the chance to try out Little Bites® Mini Tarts and they were a hit!

Summer Fun with Little Bites Mini Tarts

Little Bites® Mini Tarts are the latest addition to the Little Bites® Snacks line, providing the Perfect Portion of Happiness® in an exciting new tart snack option. They're soft baked and filled with flavors that kids love, made with real apples, real strawberries, and real cinnamon, while containing no high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors or colors. 

Tips for Working from Home while Homeschooling

Tips for Working from Home while Homeschooling

Homeschooling while you work from home can be difficult to say the least. Even if you have kids who are fairly independent, you may find that it’s still a struggle to get everything done. If you want to make sure that you are able to give your kids the best experience while also taking care of your work-related duties, then this is the guide for you.