Our First Family Vacation to Walt Disney World

 This vacation was epic! A little positivity can go a long way. We didn't know what we were doing (although the new Genie app helped out a ton), but we had so much fun along the way. We did a little research on what rides we wanted to try before we headed to the park by watching as many Disney+ specials and YouTube videos we could. We didn't use an agent. We kind of spontaneously booked before we let anyone talk us out of it, but we have been wanting to go since 2020. Well, I have been wanting to go for years, but that's another story. I went to Magic Kingdom when I was 18 but haven't been back since. My husband and kids have never been. Since the kids didn't really want anything for Christmas, we decided to bite the bullet and give them this trip as their Christmas presents. Masks are now optional there and my family is fully vaccinated (that topic is not up for debate please and thank you).

Our First Family Vacation to Walt Disney World

DIY Letter Tie Dye Crayons {Fun Gift Idea}

 My daughter had a BETA Convention back in November. It was her first ever and so much fun! She submitted a sculpture. We didn't know what to expect so we went into it trying our best but being realistic about expectations meaning not to get our hopes up. The theme was "BETA Together" since the was the first in person convention since 2019. With this theme in mind, my daughter decided to create ants building something together. She decided on building the words "BETA Together" so I suggested using old, broken crayons to make the letters. It was a fun project and I thought it would make a great gift idea if you built someone's name, they are also big and make great baby/toddler crayons.

DIY Letter Tie Dye Crayons {Fun Gift Idea}

How to Make Letter Tie Dye Crayons

Must-Have Features for Your Next Family Vehicle

When shopping for a new family vehicle, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with style and fuel efficiency. However, there are many more features that can ensure your family is as safe and comfortable as possible. From cutting-edge tech to safety programs, there are a few major ways to ensure your next family vehicle will keep you happy for years to come. To ensure you make the right decision, here is a list of some of the must-have features for your next family vehicle:

Must-Have Features for Your Next Family Vehicle

Giving Your Child the Best Experience When Work Gets in the Way

Some people might prefer to be stay-at-home parents, whereas others still want to maintain a career or do this to help finance family life. No matter the reason you are a working parent, the reality is that sometimes balancing work-life with taking care of the kids can be challenging and overwhelming. You want to have peace of mind that your children are happy and healthy while they are in the care of someone else, and to make sure that they are having the best experience when you are at work, here are some things to think about.

Giving Your Child the Best Experience When Work Gets in the Way

How to Make Homemade Bath Bombs

Looking for a great and simple gift idea that is also fun to make? I loved making these bath bombs (aka bath fizzies) for friends and family. These is a great gift idea for those looking for some self-care. And I love that you can make so many different colors, shapes with different molds, and fragrances using essential oils that can match different needs.

How to Make Homemade Bath Bombs

Some Great Ways to Mix Up Your Family Meals

Planning family meals often takes up a lot of your time. You need to plan meals that are suitable for everyone, that your whole family is willing to eat, and that fit within your budget. You also have to think about how much time they take to prepare, especially if you're short on time. It's not uncommon to get stuck in a rut, preparing the same reliable meals because you know that they're affordable, quick, and easy. But you can reach a point at which you want to make things a bit more exciting. If you want to make a change, there are a few ways you might mix things up.

How to Make Homemade Play Dough

 Over our last school break, my kiddos and I made homemade play dough and then turned them into dough ornaments. It was a fun little science experiment that I got to show my children. The process was sharing science with them, giving them a fun activity to do, and then get to make something fun to keep out of it. So, with another school break coming up, I thought I would share this fun craft on how to make homemade play dough so you can enjoy some fun with your family too.

How to Make Homemade Play Dough

Special Things to Do for Your Children When They Are Sick

It is a horrible time when our children are unwell, but as they spend so much time outside and with other kids at school, they end up being around a lot of bugs and eventually pick things up. It is inevitable and as awful as it is to see them get sick, they will recover, and it is the parent's job to help them get through it as painlessly and as comfortably as possible. There are a few things you can do to help them get through being unwell.

Special Things to Do for Your Children When They Sick

One of the first things is to get them comfortable, the prime place is for them to be in their bed or to make up a bed on the sofa for the day so you can keep an eye on them, and they are all snuggled up. Depending on if they have a fever or not you can get them a hot water bottle. Keep the windows open so they have fresh air.

2-Ingredient Pizza Dough {Healthy, Low Calorie Pizza Hack}

If you have been following me for the past few years, then you know that I have lost 70 pounds through diet changes and exercise. The number one diet change that I made was taking food that I loved and making a healthier version. Family Night Pizza night is a tradition in our home, and we love a make your own pizza bar style that has actually encouraged my kiddos to eat more of their veggies. We love pizza because there is so much you can do. But the crust is where I had some issues. Toppings I could control, but I wanted a low-calorie option for my crust so I could still enjoy pizza night with the family and stay within my weight loss goals.

2-Ingredient Pizza Dough {Healthy, Low Calorie Pizza Hack}

4 Best and Worst Baby Formulas for Your Infant

4 Best and Worst Baby Formulas for Your Infant

Whether you are a new parent or welcoming an additional child into your family, finding the right formula is essential for many families. Although breastfeeding is always an excellent option, this is not a possibility for everyone. In this case, knowing how to shop for a healthy formula that will keep your baby’s development on track and its tummy comfy is essential. To help you make the right choice, here are four of the best and worst baby formulas for your infant:

Best Sports for Kids

Best Sports for Kids

Nowadays, health issues such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are becoming increasingly prevalent among children. This is due to an increase in the amount of time that kids spend indoors and using screens for education and entertainment. Although technology has improved our lives in many ways, it isn’t always doing our health or the health of our children any favors. If you’d like some advice on how to make your children more active and therefore healthier, keep on reading to discover the five best sports for children.

Valentine's Day 101: How to Plan the Perfect Day for Her

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, many people are already starting to make their plans for the day. For some, Valentine's Day brings with it a bit of pressure to create special memories and provide the perfect gifts for her. Depending on where you are at in your relationship, you might be hoping to use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to demonstrate just how much you really care for your significant other.

Valentine's Day 101: How to Plan the Perfect Day for Her

The fact of the matter is, however, that many Valentines' Day gestures and gifts have become so cliche that they are rather redundant. If your goal is to make this Valentine's Day more special than all the rest, you will need to go the extra mile in order to plan the perfect day for her.

Free Printable Classroom Valentine for Fidget Toys

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Looking for a non-candy kids valentine idea? I have been trying to be a little creative each year with my kid's school valentines. This is a craft idea that you or your child can do because it is an easy printable! Fidgets and Pop-Its are all the rage in our house so I thought, why not create something that my children's whole class would enjoy! Plus, I have made it into an easy, cute printable that you can enjoy with your loved ones too. You could also use this printable for blow pops or pop rocks as well.

Thanks for Making My Valentine's Day POPPIN' {Free Printable Classroom Handout for Fidget Toys}

I remember handing out valentines in school. You spent the day making a box to keep them in. There are so many creative boxes now. When I was in school it was just a shoebox and I think the most creative that I ever saw was someone made a mailbox. That's what I love about Pinterest because you can find so much inspiration. I have found so many easy Valentine Box ideas. Pop Its allow for people to give their bodies something to keep themselves occupied, which permits them to focus on learning in class, reading or whatever the activity may be. Due to fidgeting behavior becoming common among adolescents, more products are being designed to support this habit

Three Tips to Help You Cook More at Home

Three Tips To Help You Cook More At Home

Eating a home-cooked supper is often a lot tastier than eating out, and it's often considerably healthier than eating something you've produced yourself because you have complete control over the goods you use. However, finding time to cook when you're a busy person with a career and a family clamoring for your attention could seem near impossible, leading to convenience meals becoming more popular than ever. Thankfully, figuring out how to cook more frequently without spending hours in the kitchen isn't as complicated as you may think, as there are a number of ideas and suggestions that you can use to produce a range of wonderful foods in minutes! So, if you're interested in learning more, continue reading.

Why Mommy-and-Me Outfits Are So Much More Than Just Fashion

Mommy-and-me outfits are a fashion trend that’s been getting increasingly popular since the early 90s. In recent years, many moms have joined the mommy-and-me-fashion trends and judging by the number of likes these outfits get on social media, it seems as though everyone finds them super adorable.

Why Mommy-and-me Outfits Are So Much More Than Just Fashion

Mom and daughter outfits could be sophisticated outfits or just casual attires; both look amazing when matched properly.

What to Give This Valentine's Day 2022

I am still in shock that we are in the year 2022! Where have the past two years gone? Although we will most likely have a Valentine's Day Night at Home, I am still hoping for some normalcy and things opening back up again. I believe taking some special moments even though times aren't as they were before to find a new normal where couples can share with each other in new and different ways is more important than ever before.

What to Give This Valentine's Day 2022
Some items were received for consideration. This post contains sponsored links.

What are some of your ways that you make time for your significant other in this new normal? I am still making a list of activities that couples can enjoy to spend time together even when there is a pandemic going on, but in the meantime, special gifts can be a nice way to show your special someone that you thought of them and how much they mean to you.

Here is a list of what to give this valentine's day in 2022.

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Nat Geo Kids Books

This Valentine’s Day, make little hearts happy and give books that kids will LOVE (and will last a lot longer than a chocolate bar!). 

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Nat Geo Kids Books