The Top Guide for Kids to Make the Most of Online Learning
Studies show parenting can impact how your child performs in school. You can raise your kids to excel in different sectors, like developing entrepreneurial abilities.
However, how can parents support learning at home for optimum outcomes?
Here is a guide with the best tips for remote learning to try out for your child.
Provide Your Kids with the Right Resources
A Laptop A laptop or at least a smartphone is essential to learn online. It should have a camera with good clarity.
You can try laptops recommended by Microsoft, like Lenovo 100w Gen3 or Dell Latitude 3120.
Create a Dedicated Learning Space
You can provide a tidy desk with learning equipment in a quiet room. Don’t keep anything that may encourage your kid to waste time, like comic books.
Moreover, ensure the gadgets your child uses for online learning don’t contain distractions. Research shows children spend 1/5th of their learning time visiting social media or doing something else.
So, make sure the devices have only apps related to learning. It can be a good idea to keep a dedicated laptop for online education and not use a personal device.
Set Up a Routine
Let your kid follow the same routine they would go through when going to school. For example, having breakfast, getting dressed, and so on.
It is not a good idea to let your child attend classes in their pajamas.
A routine helps your child manage time better. It goes a long way to encourage the development of healthy habits for adult life.
Most importantly, students who manage their time better excel in their studies, as per research.
However, allow some flexibility and let your kid pick a few things. For example, they can choose what leisure activity to participate in during their free time.
Provide Adequate Breaks
Therefore, breaks are a necessary part of learning. They become more important in online learning as we are isolated from our peers.
Children don’t get the opportunity to converse, like in a physical setting.
So, encourage kids to take breaks at frequent intervals. You can encourage them to:
● Go for a short work
● Eat something healthy
Incorporate Physical Activity
It can lead to several consequences like obesity and mental health concerns.
Physical activity is highly important for children. You can find several ways to incorporate it into your child’s daily routine.
For example, you can have a dance party during lunch break. Or, you can sign up your kids for swimming or any other sport after they are done with their classes.
Staying active does more than keep your child healthy. It can lift their spirits and motivate them to perform better in their studies.
Provide Feedback and Reward Your Child
Moreover, a few words of encouragement can go a long way to inspire your kid.
So, provide feedback to your child after every class. Let them know the areas they can work to improve and what they have done well.
You can also reward your kid for good performance. Some ideas can be:
● Letting them have more dessert
● Giving them extra 15 minutes to watch television
Even simple acts of encouragement can have a great effect on your kid. For example, putting stickers on their assignments motivates your child to do better.
Help Your Kids Socialize
Children don’t get to socialize when they learn online. So, make it a priority to help your child socialize after they complete their studies.
It is one of the best tips for remote learning and can help your kid grow up to be a confident individual.
Some of the things you can do are:
● Allowing your child to video chat with friends
● Taking them to the park where they can play with other kids
● Arranging small parties on weekends and inviting your child’s friends over
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