5 Big Things to Include in Your Bedtime Routine

We all know how important sleep is for our mental and physical health. A good night's sleep sets up your whole day, giving you the energy you need to take on whatever comes your way.

5 Big Things to Include in Your Bedtime Routine

Having the right bedtime routine is a great first step to a good sleep, as repeating a routine tells your brain it's time for rest, helping you wind down quicker.

Here are five big things to include in your bedtime routine to help you get ready for a good night’s sleep.

1. Do some gentle stretches to prepare for sleep

Your body feeling tight before bed can make you more restless and hinder your sleep. Doing a few light, slow stretches before bed can help ease tight muscles and tell your brain it's time for sleep once you’re in a routine. There are some great nighttime yoga routines you can follow along with online; some you can even do when you get in bed so you’re ready to sleep!

Remember, it’s important to stay hydrated before you go to bed. While you stretch, keep a reusable bottle by your side so you can sip as you stretch and unwind.

2. Dim the lights to create a relaxed atmosphere

Bright lights (or ‘big’ lights) can hinder sleep as your mind relates them to sunlight, making you feel more awake. So, dimming your lights around an hour before bedtime can help you unwind and feel drowsier. This includes dimming the lights on any digital devices, like your phone, tablet or TV, too.

A dimmer switch is a good way to customize your lighting in your bedroom, living room or elsewhere in your home before bedtime. If you can’t install a dimmer switch, swap out your regular lamp lighting for smart bulbs or some battery-operated candles to help you create a calming atmosphere before bedtime.

3. Craft the perfect nightcap

A good way to wind down for the night is enjoying a warm, non-caffeinated drink before bed. It not only helps keep you hydrated throughout the night, so you won’t wake up thirsty, but also helps relax the body to get it ready for sleep.

Some good drinks for a pre-sleep nightcap include warm milk, warm water or herbal tea, like chamomile, Ashwagandha and green tea. Pick your favorite and sip while you enjoy a good book, listen to some music or your other bedtime routine favorite. Popping your beverage of choice in an insulated reusable cup to suit your mood will also help keep your drink warm while you finish up your bedtime routine.

4. Journal or write a to-do list to calm your mind

Sometimes it can be hard to switch the brain off—whether you’re worried about work, putting together your mental to-do list, or replaying conversations from the day. Sitting down and journaling can help slow your thoughts, transferring them out of your mind and onto the page. Try some positive affirmations to get you in a good mood before sleep, too.

There are many diaries out there designed to help people with racing bedtime brains. These journals will ask prompt questions to help get your thoughts out. Otherwise, a plain notebook and writing down whatever is on your mind should also do the trick.

5. Listen to music to help you unwind

A busy mind can be one of the biggest culprits of a rough sleep. If you find your mind starting to fixate, try adding calming music or white noise into your bedtime routine. Some people like to listen to beach sounds or rain to help them drift off.

There are plenty of pre-made sleep time playlists on streaming platforms, or you can choose whatever music or sounds help you disconnect. Plus, white noise machines can help your mind relax by blocking out distracting sounds while you sleep.

Creating a bedtime routine is a good way to help get yourself ready for sleep. While these tips can help you get started, your routine should be unique to you. Whatever you find relaxing at the end of the night, try adding it to your nightly routine to help you get some good shuteye. Sweet dreams!

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