Why SI Joint Injections Sometimes Don't Work and What to Do Next

SI joint pain can impact your day-to-day activities by restricting your movement and causing many discomforts that are difficult to handle comfortably. SI joint injections often include corticosteroids or anesthetics injected directly into the sacroiliac to reduce inflammation and effectively relieve pain so patients can return to their normal routines comfortably afterward.

Why SI Joint Injections Sometimes Don't Work and What to Do Next

However, sometimes, what if SI joint injection doesn’t work? This question can lead individuals to seek further solutions.

Reasons for Ineffectiveness

There are many reasons why SI joint injections might not work as expected. One possible cause is getting the diagnosis wrong. If the pain’s true source is misidentified, it can result in treatments that are not effective. At times, the pain may actually come from different regions, like the lower back or hips, which could make SI joint injections less successful.

There are factors to consider when it comes to injections not working effectively, apart from just the technique used during the process itself. It's really important to ensure the injection is placed accurately because if it doesn't reach the spot where it's needed most, you might not get the relief you're looking for. On top of that, people have different body structures.

Seeking Alternative Diagnoses

When injections in the SI joint are unsuccessful in alleviating pain symptoms, seeking an opinion could prove advantageous. Getting advice from another healthcare provider might offer perspectives on the root cause of the discomfort. This might entail undergoing tests like imaging scans or nerve conduction studies to identify where the pain originates. Being able to pinpoint the correct diagnosis is crucial in formulating an appropriate and successful treatment strategy.

Exploring Non-Invasive Treatments

If injections for the SI joint do not ease the discomfort, considering treatments may be an option. Physical therapy frequently enhances muscle strength around the SI joint and increases flexibility. Therapists can customize workout routines to meet requirements, aiding in pain management with motions and stretches.

Chiropractors may also provide a method of treatment by using adjustments to align the spine and joints to alleviate SI joint discomfort for those who have not experienced positive results with injections.

Considering Minimally Invasive Procedures

When intrusive methods prove ineffective, it may be beneficial to consider minimally invasive treatments as an alternative option to explore further options for relief from pain signals originating in the SI joint area using radiofrequency ablation (RFA). RFA utilizes heat produced by radio waves to target and disrupt nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals from the SI joint region, potentially offering more sustained pain relief than injections. Another option to consider is undergoing SI joint fusion surgery—a procedure that aims to stabilize the joint by fusing the bones to limit movement and alleviate discomfort effectively. Though it is an approach compared to injections, SI joint fusion has the potential to greatly enhance the quality of life for individuals suffering from persistent pain.

Maintaining a Holistic Approach

Taking an approach to dealing with SI discomfort can greatly improve your overall health and wellness levels. Implementing lifestyle adjustments like eating balanced meals, staying properly hydrated, and getting enough rest can help the body's inherent healing mechanisms. Additionally, methods for managing stress, such as mindfulness practices and meditation, might also contribute to alleviating pain.

Regularly participating in intense activities, like swimming or walking, is beneficial for keeping your joints flexible and staying in good shape overall. It's important to steer clear of actions that worsen discomfort and concentrate on movements to avoid irritating the SI joint.


SI joint injections can provide relief for many, but their ineffectiveness in some cases necessitates exploring alternative solutions. Understanding the reasons behind treatment failure and considering other approaches, such as physical therapy, chiropractic care, and minimally invasive procedures, can help individuals find effective pain management strategies. Maintaining a holistic approach to health and wellness further supports long-term relief and improved quality of life. By remaining informed and proactive, individuals can take control of their SI joint pain and work towards a pain-free future.

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