Why is My Radiator Getting so Hot, so Quickly?

When we think about heating-related issues, we generally go straight to situations where there’s not enough heat, not situations where there’s too much. That being said, there are cases where radiators get too hot, and it can be just as annoying to deal with as cases where radiators don’t get warm enough.

Why is My Radiator Getting so Hot, so Quickly?

If this is currently an issue you’re experiencing, then you’re in the right place. In the article below, we go through some of the main potential causes why your radiator might be getting too hot, so quickly, from thermostat issues to boiler malfunctions.

Thermostat Issues

One common reason behind radiators getting too hot, too fast is a thermostat issue. It’s possible that the thermostat itself is set too high, or that it’s malfunctioning and sending hotter water to the radiators than you actually asked it to.

Either way, it should be a simple issue to investigate. Just play around with the thermostat a bit (after reading the manual) and see if the radiator temperature changes. If it doesn’t, even after waiting for long enough, then you may need to have the thermostat looked at.

Boiler Flow Temperature

It’s also possible that your boiler is set to heat the water too high. Called the flow setting, this will often come pre-set to the highest temperature available, but this isn’t always the best option. It’s worth looking at your specific model and doing some further research, to see which temperature might be the most efficient. In many cases, that will be somewhere between 60-70 degrees Celsius, rather than the 80-90 degrees that you may find it has been left at.

A Boiler Fault

If your boiler seems to be set up correctly, and to an appropriate temperature, then there’s still the chance that it’s simply malfunctioning. It could be burning too much gas, too hot, or passing water through the heating unit too slowly.

If you have any doubts about the boiler itself, then it’s vital that you get it checked out by a boiler technician. Someone from a service like Able Plumbers will be able to give it a quick look over for potential issues, and get it fixed for you if necessary.

It’s Working as Intended

Lastly, it’s also possible that your radiators are simply functioning as intended. If you recently upgraded, or got a new boiler, then it could be the case that your experience with underperforming heating systems means that you’re left a bit blown away by a properly functioning one.

Of course, it’s still worth checking the points listed above, just to be sure. But it is possible that nothing is going wrong, you’re just experiencing a properly functioning radiator and didn’t know they could be that efficient.

Making sure that your heating system works properly is important, and it’s worth putting some time and effort into it. Not only will it leave you with a warmer, more comfortable home, but it can also end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.

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