Looking for a hands-on way to teach letter recognition while creating a keepsake parents will love? This DIY alphabet book is the perfect preschool letter activity for toddlers and young learners!
Last year, I worked with two-year-olds and made a simple letter book using mostly stickers and paint. Now that I’m teaching three-year-olds, we focus on a new letter each week. To make it easy and organized, I print each letter on cardstock, and the kids decorate them with stickers, paint, and plenty of glue (trust me, you’ll want to stock up!).
How to Make Your Own Alphabet Book:
✅ Let kids decorate with stickers, paint, and glue
✅ Punch holes in each page
✅ Bind the pages together at the end of the year
This letter book project makes learning fun while giving little ones a sense of accomplishment. Plus, it’s a sweet preschool memory book parents will treasure!
👉 [Download Your Free Printable Alphabet Letters Below!]
A is for Alphabet. Have the children place alphabet stickers in the letters.
B is for blue. Have children paint the letters blue.
C is for Cotton. Have children rip cotton balls into little pieces (great for strengthening muscles for fine motor skills). Then paint glue and have them stick the cotton pieces on.
D is for Dots. We use bingo daubers to places dots on the letter D.
E is for eyeballs. Have children place googly eyes on letter.
F is for feathers. Have children paste feathers on to the Letter F. We painted the glue and then had them places the feathers on.
G is for green. Paint the Letter G green.
H is for hot pink. Have children rip small pieces of hot pink paper and glue on the letters.
I is for ink. We had the children stamp with ink pads all over their letter.
J is for Jello. This is a fun one. Paint the glue on the letters for the children and then have them sprinkle dry jello on the letters.
K is for Kool-Aid. I had the children glue small dots since they were starting to work with the glue bottles at this point in the year. Then they sprinkled the Kool-Aid on to the dots with a spoon.
L is for lace or lavender. Either have the children glue pieces of lace on or paint lavender.

M is for Magazine. This is also great for fine motor skills. By this point in the year, the children are using scissors so you can also have them cut images out that they find in the magazines.

N is newspaper. Again, have the children rip pieces of newspaper. This is great for fine motor skills and building up the small muscles in their hands.
O is for Orange. We had the children paint the letter with orange paint.

P is for pink or purple. We had the children pick pink or purple paint; some chose to do one each color.
You could also do P is for poms-poms and have the children paste those on instead.

Q is for Q-tips. We broke the Q-tips in half and had the children place them on top of the glue dots that we put on.

R is for Red. Easy, peasy. We had the children paint the letter with non-toxic red paint, these big brushes work best for this.

T is for tissue. Have the children tear and paste tissue paper on the letter T. They should be able to do this one themselves with stick glue.

U is for Unique. Just make Uu unique any way you would like! This one is great for going through those scraps papers and odds or ends of crafts supplies you might have on hand.

W is for white. Print this one out on a different color, have the children rip pieces of white paper into small pieces, and then have them paste it on.

X is for siX. Have the children trace the number 6 all over the X. This one is hard one to think of something to start with X. LOL

Y is for yarn. Have the children paste yarn all over the letter. Or you could do Y is for yellow and have them paint the letter yellow with non-toxic paint.

Z is for zebra stripes. Have the children paint zebra stripes on the letter. You can hand draw them first or even use paint tape.
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