I have been having a little trouble to keep up with blogging as of lately and that's mainly due to the holidays, but also slightly due to the fact that I had my 28 week check-up on Monday and besides having SweetPea there plus having to keep her entertained while I took the the 1-hour glucose test again, I found out that we had until delivery to pay $3,000 and then they took my blood pressure...
My husband has a plan to pay for delivery (why they didn't tell us sooner, I have no idea), so that's not a problem, but I still have to go back earlier than scheduled to make sure my blood pressure comes down. Hubby is on vacation next week for his birthday (he's turning the big 3-0) so I won't have to bring SweetPea this time. I think that stresses me out when I have to bring her as well.
I have been doing a great job about my weight but I have noticed I gained the most the week before my appointment. If you have been following my blog for a little bit, then you know I had pre-eclampsia with SweetPea and my doctor told me at my 24 week check-up that although controlling my weight can try to help, I am high risk just because I had it before. She said she has seen just as many under weight women have pre-eclampsia and it effects all women of all sizes. There really is no pre-exsisting conditions that determine it, although over weight women are at higher risk of developing it.
So I am a nervous wreck. I did discover that second hand smoke can contribute to high blood pressure. Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone reading this that knows someone who smokes.
I do have some swelling and have been having some headaches as well. I really hope I don't get pre-eclampsia again and have to go on bed rest this early.
For anyone interested, we are still team green, but I have been having lots of dreams lately that I'm holding a little boy, so who knows. :)
I will try and update after my appointment. And I hope you all are having a Happy New Year so far! :)
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