5 Tips to Help a Child Through a Difficult School Period

Every child faces challenges at school from time to time. It could be struggling with a subject, feeling overwhelmed by homework, or dealing with social issues. As parents, it’s hard to watch your child go through a rough patch. But with the right support, they can overcome these hurdles and thrive again. Sometimes, even small actions can make a big difference.

5 Tips to Help a Child Through a Difficult School Period

One common struggle many kids face is math, so private math tutoring can be a great way to help children who are falling behind or losing confidence. But there’s more to supporting a child than just academic help. Let’s explore five practical tips to help your child navigate a difficult school period with confidence and resilience.

No Sugar Added Snack Ideas for Kids - Perfect for Lunch Boxes

It is closing in on the end of summer which comes just in time for back to school, back to daycare, back to LIFE and set schedules for many families. I have been preparing the kiddos lunches every day including personalized handwritten notes. I love making their lunch for multiple reasons.
1. I feel like I can make their lunches cheaper than buying it,
2. I can see what they are eating each day, and
3. I can make sure they are eating a balanced, no sugar added meal, and they are teeth friendly lunch options as well.

No Sugar Added Snack Ideas for Lunch Boxes

What does "no sugar added" mean? In this case it means some of these foods still contain sugar naturally. Added sugar has been added to a food or product during the manufacturing process. To avoid added sugar, look for words on a food label such as glucose, sucrose, dextrose, high-fructose corn syrup, raw sugar, rice syrup, corn sweetener, fruit juice concentrate, brown sugar, corn syrup, can juice, can sugar, crystalline fructose, beet sugar, caramel, and barley malt.

Ultimate Back to School Shopping List

Now that summer is in full-swing, it’s time to start thinking about back-to-school. From clothes and shoes to backpack and lunchboxes, this list has something for all of your back to school shopping list needs.

We go back to school July 30th! We are transferring to an all year-round school calendar. So that means we may get out a little early for some (May), but we will be going back late July. I'm honestly ready to go back. I love the schedule of the school year and even though my daughter will be starting cheerleading so it will be busy, I'm all for more order. My daughter is starting 2nd grade while my son is starting his last year as a preschooler. The question everyone asks is, "So what are you going to do when he goes off to elementary school?" I honestly am still trying to figure it all out. And I'll let you know when I do.

Anyways, so here are some of my hot back to school shopping list items that your kids are sure to love!

How to Ensure a Smooth Transition to Pre-K for Your Child

● Talk positively about Pre-Kinder, addressing fears and anxieties to prepare your child emotionally.
● Visit the school beforehand and establish routines to help your child feel secure and ready.
● Encourage playdates with future classmates and teach social manners to develop social skills.
● Pack familiar items in their backpack and set up a consistent drop-off routine to create a comfortable environment.

How to Ensure a Smooth Transition to Pre-K for Your Child

Starting Pre-Kinder is a significant milestone for both children and parents. Ensuring a smooth transition can help set the stage for a positive educational experience and foster a lifelong love of learning. In this blog, we’ll explore various strategies to prepare your child emotionally, practically, and socially for their first day of Pre-Kinder. By following these tips, you can help your child feel confident and excited about this new chapter in their life.

Identifying Progressive Campuses

Education provides more than academics - it sets the basis for holistic growth. When searching for the ideal university or college, students often factor academic rigor, faculty quality and placement records into their decision process; yet another factor often overlooked is progressiveness on campus.

Identifying Progressive Campuses

How Important Are High School Clubs?

Aside from earning good grades and building life skills, an important part of being a student is participating in high school clubs. Participating in clubs and other extracurricular activities while in high school is important for a number of reasons, such as college applications and community engagement. There are many ways to use your time in high school clubs to your advantage, so let's take a look at just how important high school clubs are.

How Important Are High School Clubs?

Ensuring Child Safety In School Holiday Program Adventures

The school holidays are approaching! It's the perfect time for your little ones to hop on exciting adventures. Imagine their faces lighting up with joy as they embark on thrilling journeys, make lifelong friends, and discover new skills.

But as a parent, safety is your utmost concern. You want your child to explore, learn, and have fun, all while being protected in every way. In this article, you'll discover the essential strategies that may help promote child safety in school holiday programs.

Let's embark on this journey and ensure that your child's school holiday adventures are not only thrilling but also safe and memorable. Discover the secrets to peace of mind, thanks to school holiday programs for your kids with Camp Australia and other similar providers.

Back to School with HISEA Boots

We are already back to school. My children started August 2nd and I (yes, you heard that right) start the 14th. I shared a video about ways to save money on back to school, but one thing I didn't feature were shoes. And no matter how hard I try; my children's feet keep growing and new shoes each year are always a must. But seriously, I recently received some HISEA boots to review and they were fortunate enough to provide a pair for a giveaway as well. So read on to learn more about them and enter to win.

Best Disguise a Turkey Ideas on Pinterest

 Whether you are hiding a turkey or disguising a turkey, whether your child is in preschool or in kindergarten, we have searched all of Pinterest to find the Best Disguise a Turkey (Creative Writing) Ideas on Pinterest.

Best Disguise a Turkey Ideas on Pinterest

"Turkey is in trouble. Bad trouble. The kind of trouble where it’s almost Thanksgiving...and you’re the main course.

But Turkey has an idea―what if he doesn’t look like a turkey? What if he looks like another animal instead?

After many hilarious attempts, Turkey comes up with the perfect disguise to make this Thanksgiving the best ever! Wendi Silvano’s comical story is perfectly matched by Lee Harper’s watercolors."

Does your child have a Thanksgiving project due to "hide a turkey" or "disguise a turkey", my daughter go to do this one year in preschool and it was so much fun. She wanted the turkey dressed as a princess and it turned out so cute! I wish I could find the picture I took now. Remember to print those pictures, people! Since I can't find the picture of my daughter's disguised turkey, I will share a cute picture of my son dressed up for Thanksgiving at his preschool at the end of this post.

Proven Ways to Help your Child to do Well at School

If you want to help your child to do well at school, then you are not alone. Every parent in the world wants their child to excel in terms of education, but if you do not take steps to help them when they need it then you may be limiting their potential. If you want to take action, then the only thing you have to do is take a look below.

Useful Tips for Choosing a Safe School for Your Kids

As a parent, discovering the ideal school for your children is perhaps one of the most critical judgments you will ever make. It affects their academic success and future prospects, but it also plays an essential role in helping them develop social skills, confidence, and independence. Choosing the best school for your children involves much more than just looking at the academic results – safety is a major factor.

Help Your Kid Get Ready for School by Following These Simple Tips

Are you ready to get your kids back into the school routine? Getting your child ready for school can be a challenging task, but it is an important one. With the right guidance and preparation, you can ensure that your kid will have everything they need to succeed on their first day of school. Here are some simple tips to prepare your kids for school.

How To Get Your Kids Ready for School While on A Budget

Are you feeling anxious about the upcoming school year, dreading the thought of how you'll afford all the supplies and clothes your kids need? You're not alone. A recent survey found that 66% of parents feel stressed about paying for back-to-school expenses. But there is hope! There are plenty of ways to get your kids ready for school while on a budget. We will share some of the best tips on how to make it happen. Keep reading to learn more.

How Moms Can Further Their Education without Sacrificing Time at Home

Moms who want to further their education often feel that they don't have the time or energy to devote to schoolwork. However, there are many different strategies that can help moms balance their responsibilities at home with pursuing an education. It's important to remember that furthering your education doesn't have to mean sacrificing time with your family. Here are some tips for making it work.

How to Go Back to College as a Parent

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and unforgettable moments of your life. It may be a responsibility, but raising a child is something a lot of people look forward to. But becoming a parent doesn't mean that's all there is to you. You're not just mom or dad. You have your own wants, needs, thoughts and goals. One of them might be enhancing your college education. You may think that going to college while being a parent is difficult, and while juggling two of the biggest responsibilities can be a challenge, it's far from impossible. In this post, we'll be going over how parents can go to back to college and remain organized.

How To Help Your Child Keep Their Grades Up

It is no secret that children these days are under a great deal of pressure to succeed in school. With more and more competition for college admission and scholarships, parents are looking for any edge they can get to help their children stay ahead of the curve, from hiring private tutors to enrolling them in handwriting therapy. It is also important to make sure your child has good study habits. But what if you don’t know how to help them develop these habits? Here are some tips.

young boy wearing headphone leaning over to write

After School Hacks for An Easy Back-to-School Routine

School is back in full force in our house. And things are trying to get back to our normal routine. I actually thrive on routine and a schedule, but still, there is nothing like waking up an hour earlier and trying to hurry kids to shuffle out the door on time. Our mornings are filled with alarms, lunch packing, last minute paper signing, hair brushing, shoe finding, and scarfing down breakfast as we run out the door. And now that I have one kid in middle school that means a longer school day and another in multiple afterschool activities, so we have had to adjust with some tips to keep the chaos at a minimum. Here are our afterschool hacks for an easier back-to-school transition.

Afterschool hacks to transition into an easy back-to-school routine.

Can Math Problems Be Passed Down from Parent to Child?

Millions of American parents have learned an unexpected truth as a result of the disruptions to their children's education during the past two years. They are not as proficient at arithmetic as they had imagined. Trying to educate your own child about fractions is the best way to prove your lack of mathematical skill. The bright side is that we have gained insight that can be used to boost math education across the country.

Prepare Your Child for Successful School Trips

The first school trip might seem daunting. It might make you anxious, as it is the first time you let your child go on an adventure without yourself. This is good as it helps children become more independent, make new friends, and learn how to behave in large groups. If the school trip is longer than a few days, then this is better.

School trips are good for mental health and your kids will surely replenish their energy levels, especially if they spend time in nature and reconnect with it. Their cognitive abilities and concentration will be improved, but their physical activity too. Going on school trips is a nice way to spend less time indoors playing on phones or computers.

However, your kid might be worried and anxious about spending so many days away from home. Here are a few tips and tricks that will prepare your child for successful school trips.

Back to School Essentials for a Successful Year

It is that time of year and I have been thinking about everything my children will need for back to school. If you are like me, then you like to plan ahead. This year, with inflation at a record high, I have been thinking about the essentials without buying what we don't already have on hand. For example, both of my kids have very nice backpacks that have warranties, so I won't be buying new ones this year. I also have a variety of lunch boxes that they can choose from, so again I won't be buying them new ones. And with our school district no longer providing free lunches county wide, that money is allocated towards our grocery budget. But their feet are ever growing, so new shoes will be on the list.
You can think smart while still sending your children off to a successful school year.

Here are some of my favorite essentials but be smart!
Organize and prioritize for a budget friendly back to school season!