Understanding Paternity Leave Laws and the Benefits They Offer

Did you know that while US federal law does not require paid paternity leave, those who work for a qualifying employer can take 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

Understanding paternity leave laws is important so that fathers can focus on helping their wives and caring for their child without the fear of losing their jobs. The FMLA governs leave duration, eligibility, and payment, which can affect new parents' ability to balance work and family.

Different states have their own paid family leave programs. For example, California's paternity leave law is one of the most progressive in the country. Fathers in California can receive up to eight weeks of partial wage replacement to bond with their newborns under the Paid Family Leave (PFL) program.

Understanding Paternity Leave Laws and the Benefits They Offer

The state of California believes that paternity leave benefits go beyond legality. According to research, fathers who regularly bond with their children improve their child's well-being. Workplaces that support paternity leave have higher employee satisfaction, retention, and inclusion.

Let’s look at paternity leave laws in different states in the US.

How a Family Law Attorney Can Assist You with Divorce and Custody Matters

Did you know that in 2024, divorce remained a major concern for many couples? A study published by Bowling Green State University’s National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR) says the United States’ refined divorce rate decreased slightly from 14.6 in 2022 to 14.4 in 2023. The refined divorce rate is a statistical measure that calculates the number of divorces per 1,000 married women in a given year.

How a Family Law Attorney Can Assist You With Divorce and Custody Matters

Dealing with the complications of divorce and custody disputes can be challenging. A competent family law attorney can be advantageous in dealing with the emotional stress and potential financial ramifications of divorce and custody settlement.

According to family law attorney Iris Ceja, family lawyers know the issues surrounding legal proceedings, which will help you to understand your rights and options. The legal support of family lawyers can guarantee a positive outcome for your case.

This article will discuss how family law attorneys help assist their clients in resolving divorce and custody matters.

What Does Parenting Time Mean in Family Court and How Is It Determined?

As of 2024, the Access and Visitation (AV) Program is a resource granted to unmarried parents to establish visitation and access rights. For the fiscal year 2023, 42% of non-custodial fathers participated in the AV Program, according to the United States Office of Child Support Services.

Parenting time, often referred to as visitation, is an aspect of family law that addresses the time a non-custodial parent spends with their child.

What Does Parenting Time Mean in Family Court and How Is It Determined?

As families deal with separation or divorce, determining parenting time becomes necessary to make sure children maintain meaningful relationships with both parents. Parenting time is planned with the child’s best interests taken into account.

The emotional health of a child is greatly affected by the family court, which oversees parental time. Parenting time establishes the parameters under which a parent can be with a child following separation or divorce.

Let's look into what parenting time means in family court and the factors that influence it.