Welcome back to another week of the
Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop!
As always, we thank you for linking up with us every week.
If you are new here, welcome!
This week's Featured Read is:
Interested in being a
Featured Read?
Just make sure to follow the simple requests
Just make sure to follow the simple requests
so you can receive THESE benefits too.
Want to make sure you get our weekly reminder e-mails?
Please add
to your address book. Thanks!
Want to make sure you get our weekly reminder e-mails?
Please add
to your address book. Thanks!
Simple Requests:
Diana from Nanny to Mommy
Karina from Mom In The USA
Jay @Crafty Spices
Please leave a comment with your blog url so we can follow back!
We are scheduling co-hosts now!
Please e-mail us and let us know so we can add you on the calendar!
2. Add the badge somewhere on your blog so others can join.
3. Link up your main blog page.
Link up your Made in the USA Giveaways HERE
Our hop is open all week long!
4. Visit at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.
4. Visit at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.
5. Share the Hop!
The other cool thing, our hop can be added to your site as well.
If you do this, please leave
Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know.
6. The Most Important Request
The other cool thing, our hop can be added to your site as well.
If you do this, please leave
Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know.
6. The Most Important Request
Have Fun!
Happy Hopping!