How To Prevent Your Relationship From Suffering When You're Struggling To Get Pregnant

For many people, finding that they are unable or unlikely to conceive naturally may be upsetting. Even if you don't want children, being told that you won't be able to have them may have a significant influence on your life and your view on the future. When couples learn that having a child naturally isn't an option, they often struggle, and it's not uncommon for relationships to fall apart as a result of broken hearts and a desire for a child.

How To Prevent Your Relationship From Suffering When You're Struggling To Get Pregnant

8 Foods that Help in Lowering Blood Pressure

Do you know that 1 in 3 adults is affected by high blood pressure in the UK? In England, 35% of men and 26% of women have high blood pressure. The astonishing part is that half of those patients are not diagnosed or getting treatment. Around 5 million people in England alone are not diagnosed, costing the NHS around $2 billion every year.

8 Foods that Help in Lowering Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the measure of the strength by which your heart pumps the blood around your body. High blood pressure is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, being overweight, drinking, not exercising etc.

When it comes to the physical symptoms of high blood pressure, there arenโ€™t any. For most, high blood pressure is something that develops over the years due to the lifestyle they have. There is no single reason as it is an accumulation of several factors.

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Books to Beat Summer Slide for Tweens

Reading is an essential part of learning development. Don't your tween slide this summer and check out these amazing titles below. Enter to WIN these great titles below as well.

Books to Beat Summer Slide for Tweens

Tips To Make Homeschooling More Fun For Parents And Kids

Many of us have taken on the role of teacher in the last 12 months, with schools closed and virtual classes encouraged. While there are benefits to spending more time with your kids and being at home, thereโ€™s no doubt that trying to balance homeschooling with working and running a household can be challenging. If youโ€™re looking for ways to have fun while educating your children, here are some top tips.