Looking for a great and simple gift idea that is also fun to make? I loved making these bath bombs (aka bath fizzies) for friends and family. These is a great gift idea for those looking for some self-care. And I love that you can make so many different colors, shapes with different molds, and fragrances using essential oils that can match different needs.
Some Great Ways to Mix Up Your Family Meals
Planning family meals often takes up a lot of your time. You need to plan meals that are suitable for everyone, that your whole family is willing to eat, and that fit within your budget. You also have to think about how much time they take to prepare, especially if you're short on time. It's not uncommon to get stuck in a rut, preparing the same reliable meals because you know that they're affordable, quick, and easy. But you can reach a point at which you want to make things a bit more exciting. If you want to make a change, there are a few ways you might mix things up.
How to Make Homemade Play Dough
Over our last school break, my kiddos and I made homemade play dough and then turned them into dough ornaments. It was a fun little science experiment that I got to show my children. The process was sharing science with them, giving them a fun activity to do, and then get to make something fun to keep out of it. So, with another school break coming up, I thought I would share this fun craft on how to make homemade play dough so you can enjoy some fun with your family too.
Special Things to Do for Your Children When They Are Sick
2-Ingredient Pizza Dough {Healthy, Low Calorie Pizza Hack}
If you have been following me for the past few years, then you know that I have lost 70 pounds through diet changes and exercise. The number one diet change that I made was taking food that I loved and making a healthier version. Family Night Pizza night is a tradition in our home, and we love a make your own pizza bar style that has actually encouraged my kiddos to eat more of their veggies. We love pizza because there is so much you can do. But the crust is where I had some issues. Toppings I could control, but I wanted a low-calorie option for my crust so I could still enjoy pizza night with the family and stay within my weight loss goals.