Women's History Month Book Giveaway

March is Women's History Month and in honor we are giving away the newest installment in the Women of Power nonfiction series for readers 12 and up, Idea Makers: 15 Fearless Female Entrepreneurs by Lowey Bundy Sichol, as well as all 4 titles in the From An Idea To... series: From An Idea To Lego: The Building Bricks Behind the World's Largest Toy Company, From An Idea To Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success, From An Idea To Google: How Innovation at Google Changed the World, and From An Idea To Disney: How Imagination Built a World of Magic.

Women's History Month Book Giveaway

Why Children Should Have a Dog

Why Children Should Have a Dog

Dogs are not everyone’s preferred pets; they need a lot of looking after, and they can be expensive too. Plus, they can cause damage around the home. However, if you treat a dog right and care for them properly, they should be very well behaved, and they won’t be so hard to handle. They also make amazing pets for children; here are some reasons why a child should have a dog.

DIY Tie Dye Beach Towels

Everyone makes tie dye shirts for vacations and while I love a good matching family photo, last year we decided to make some tie dye beach towels with some old cheap towels. They have been such a huge hit! It was not only a fun warm weather activity, but it is something that we get asked about wherever we go. And with the weather warming back up and everyone ready to start float down a river, I thought I would share this fun family friendly activity.

DIY Tie Dye Beach Towels

How to Make Tie Dye Beach Towels

How To Get Your Toddler to Eat Healthy Meals

How To Get Your Toddler to Eat Healthy Meals

It is concerning that only 7% of children in the US consume vegetables daily and in required amounts. Research also shows that most toddlers are fussy eaters and will likely reject foods they are not familiar with. With these hindrances, how do you get your toddler to eat healthy meals without dealing with tantrums? It is a tricky one until you both master the act. Below are some ideas you may want to try out in your bid to get your tots to eat healthily.

Getting Insight on Our Future with California Psychics

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of California Psychics.

I have always been curious about psychic readings. I watched those commercials as a child, but never made the plunge to reach out. But we have been going through a serious change in our marriage and it has been affecting our lives, so I recently reached out to California Psychics for an online psychic reading.

Getting Insght on Our Future with California Psychics

From the very beginning of the call, I felt like I was talking to a trusted friend. It felt very safe and conversational while feeling a connection beyond the ordinary. I have been curious about my life path and if I am living to my true full potential. That's why California Psychics exists: to help those searching for insight, knowledge, and answers regarding their future. Those unafraid to look to a greater force for guidance and follow it on their path to a happier, better version of themselves. Get a $5 credit added to your first purchase with code Diana5. Sign up at californiapschics.com or download the app.

Setting up a call was very easy.