How I Got My Child an IEP in Public School: A Personal Journey

As a parent, there are few things more important than ensuring your child gets the right support and resources to succeed, especially when it comes to school. In January 2021, my child was diagnosed with dysgraphia and ADHD. But their struggles began long before that. When COVID hit and school switched to virtual learning, they were in Kindergarten. I honestly felt like they weren’t ready, but my now ex-husband insisted there wasn’t enough money to repeat preschool. Given what I know now about his handling of finances, that’s just one of many reasons he’s now my ex.

My child didn’t even get their glasses until they were almost five, and I was told they probably couldn’t see properly for most of their life. That’s a whole other story, but all I’ll say is, Mamas, trust your instincts. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

After nearly two years of virtual learning with my child at home, I just knew something wasn’t quite right. It wasn’t that there was something "wrong," but they clearly needed more support. Their brain simply works differently. And I was doing it all by myself even though I was married then.

How I Got My Child an IEP in Public School: A Personal Journey

The bureaucratic hurdles we faced to get them the help they needed were heartbreaking. Navigating the system to get your child the right education means jumping through hoops, wading through endless red tape, and feeling like the system doesn’t always prioritize helping children. I remember their second-grade year—my child’s teacher was overwhelmed by a classroom full of kids who didn’t have reliable support at home or who were acting out. I saw this firsthand since I was the room mom (the only way I could actually get into the school). The teacher didn’t quite see what I was seeing, but she advised me to seek an outside evaluation if I thought something was wrong. My ex ofcourse tried to say that we couldn't afford it, but I reminded him of our health savings account. He then tried to say that we didn't have enough in there so I said I would pay for it with my savings. When we finally got the diagnosis of dysgraphia and ADHD, it was a huge relief to know I wasn’t imagining things. Of course, my ex chimed in with, “Oh, I got to listen in on this,” with a smirk, but hearing that diagnosis from the professional just wiped that smirk right off his face.

From there, my child began their Section 504 plan, but it wasn’t until third grade that we found a teacher who truly understood and helped us navigate the system to get them the real support they needed.

My child was falling behind in a few key areas, and as much as I tried to help at home, I knew they needed more than what was being offered in the classroom. It became clear that I needed to explore more specialized support, which led me on the journey to get them an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

The Ripple Effect: How a Parent’s Addiction Impacts Children and Why Early Intervention Matters

Addiction is often described as a family disease, and for good reason. While the individual struggling with substance abuse or behavioral addiction bears the immediate consequences, the ripple effects extend far beyond them, touching every member of the household—especially children. For parents, understanding how their addiction impacts their children is a critical step toward breaking the cycle of harm. Equally important is recognizing the value of early intervention, not only for their own well-being but for the emotional and psychological health of their children.

The Ripple Effect: How a Parent’s Addiction Impacts Children and Why Early Intervention Matters

What Does Parenting Time Mean in Family Court and How Is It Determined?

As of 2024, the Access and Visitation (AV) Program is a resource granted to unmarried parents to establish visitation and access rights. For the fiscal year 2023, 42% of non-custodial fathers participated in the AV Program, according to the United States Office of Child Support Services.

Parenting time, often referred to as visitation, is an aspect of family law that addresses the time a non-custodial parent spends with their child.

What Does Parenting Time Mean in Family Court and How Is It Determined?

As families deal with separation or divorce, determining parenting time becomes necessary to make sure children maintain meaningful relationships with both parents. Parenting time is planned with the child’s best interests taken into account.

The emotional health of a child is greatly affected by the family court, which oversees parental time. Parenting time establishes the parameters under which a parent can be with a child following separation or divorce.

Let's look into what parenting time means in family court and the factors that influence it.

Tips To Help Guide Your Kids Towards the Future They Want

Every child is born with boundless potential. Some dream of becoming astronauts, others want to write bestselling novels, and a few may have no idea what they want—yet. As parents, we stand at a crossroads. Do we push them toward a conventional path, or do we let them explore and figure it out themselves? The truth is, there’s no perfect answer. But what we can do is guide, support, and empower them to create a future that genuinely excites them. The goal isn’t to mold them into who we think they should be. It’s to help them discover who they already are.

Tips To Help Guide Your Kids Towards the Future They Want

How Women Keep the Faith Alive at Home with Holyart

Faith is a cornerstone of many households, providing a sense of purpose, guidance, and comfort. In many homes, women take on the role of spiritual nurturers, ensuring that faith is not only preserved but also flourishes for future generations. Whether through prayer, rituals, or religious art, mothers, grandmothers, and caregivers create a sacred space that fosters belief and devotion in their children. With the help of Holyart, an online store dedicated to religious articles, women can find meaningful ways to incorporate faith into their everyday lives from decorating for Easter in a Christian way to buying a Communion gift, use code JG10 to save on an order.

How Women Keep the Faith Alive at Home with Holyart