Wordless Wednesday {Week #32 Linky}

This past week we said Goodbye to The Office. The Hubby andI have been watching it since almost the beginning. I still love to catch it on NetFlix and see Pam & Jim's progression. I love when Pam mentions how she can't watch the documentary because she keeps saying how stupid she is for not

The Office Finale

The Office Finale

SweetPea couldn't make it through.
The Office Finale

Did you watch The Office?
Who was your favorite character?
What did you think of the series finale?


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Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! :D

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  1. My husband is now watching The Office on Netflix after he told me he hates it so much, LOL. I look back and was like omg, look how funny Jim looks. His nose seemed so huge back then.

  2. I never did watch The Office to be quite honest, but I know many did and sorry for those who no longer have it to watch. Thank you as always for the awesome linkup!! Happy Wednesday!!

  3. I HATE when good things come to an end! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  4. WE LOVE THE OFFICE!!! It's so sad to know it's over. My favorites were Jim, Pam, Dwight, and Michael..but honestly all characters and their chemistries rocked!

  5. I have never watched this show but it seems to be a favourite of many persons. Thanks for hosting Diana!

  6. I've watched a few episodes on Netflix, but I put it on hold to watch Parks and recreation instead. They are a lot alike but I like P&R better for some reason!


Thank you for dropping by! I would love to hear what you thought. :)
