Sick just got real.™ + $25 Gift Card Giveaway

The video and gift card have been provided by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

When your child is sick you feel helpless. You wish you were the one who was sick because they just don't understand and you just want them to feel better. At least that's how I feel and of course I inevitably get it too, it's the cycle of sickness. My children thankfully haven't been sick very often. But when one gets sick, we all do...
I think the most memorable time was when went on our yearly family vacation a few years ago.
I was pregnant with Peanut and Sweet Pea had developed the worst cough. I had to call my pediatrician to ask what we could give her until we got home. He gave us the dosage for Children’s Dimetapp®, so a quick midnight run to Walmart was in order. It was a stressful mess. And after all that planning, much of beach time was spent resting in the condo. Now I always prepare a little go-to "sick" kit for our vacations.

How do you handle when your kids are sick? Besides having to deal with the everyday hustle and bustle, you now have sick kiddos putting everything to a halt. Have you seen this awesome Sick just got real.™ video yet? As soon as I saw it, I totally could relate to her situation. When your children are sick, although it can feel overwhelming, you just want them to feel better.

Enter to WIN
One reader will win a $25 VISA Gift Card because Sick just got real.™ Entry is simple, just follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter below. Open to US only, must be 18+ to enter. Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you can stay up to date with our current giveaways. Good luck!


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The video and gift card have been provided by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other social media are not affiliated with this giveaway. Nanny to Mommy received complimentary products to provide this review and giveaway. Nanny to Mommy is not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations. This giveaway is open to US only, must be 18+ to enter. Cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes. One entry per household/IP address. No social media was involved in this giveaway in any way. Winner is chosen via through Rafflecopter. ALL winning entries ARE verified. Winner will have 48 hours to respond with all information in email or another winner will be chosen. If you would like to see your product featured on our blog or sponsor a giveaway event, please contact us.


  1. When the kids get sick of course you do what you can to get them feeling better and feel comfortable as possible with rest, medicine, chicken noodle soup and tlc.I try and get some help if I need some me time away.

  2. When my daughter is sick I rent a bunch of movies and make her chicken noodle soup.

  3. I make chicken noodle soup.

  4. A lot of rest and fluids. If there isn't any tummy issues then also some chicken broth.

  5. I put layers of blankets on to sweat out the fever and drink ginger ale

    1. Getting too hot cab cause brain damage. You are suppose to starve a fever.

  6. When sick gets real at my house, which is usually my grandsons, I make them a "bed" on the sofa so that I can easily take care of them. I make sure they drink plenty of water and stay hydrated with popsicles.

  7. I make hot tea with lemon

  8. Eat soup, take a hot bath and then, I sleep... drink 7 up too.

  9. I keep plenty of Advil and tissues on hand when sick gets real and rest when the kids do!

  10. Rest, fluids, and being there. My daughter is grown but was very sick a few years back. Being there is so important....if you can.

  11. When sick gets real at my house, we usually let them rest and sip warm tea until they feel better. Thanks for the giveaway

  12. I try and disinfect well with wipes and spray and buy lots of drinks for my sick child to drink. I make sure they stay warm with blankets, too.

  13. have chicken broth and cuddles while watching movies

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I have several great grandchildren and I will help out with them if they get the flu or a bad cold. I try to keep them comfortable and keep them occupied with movies, toys and music.

  16. I cuddle with kids in addition to hot soup and cartoons.

  17. I usually make chicken noodle soup and give them lots of rest and liquids.

  18. When sick gets real, I load up on liquids, tissues and sanitizer. Oh, and I call in the troops, if need be. I'm not afraid to ask for help!

  19. When I get real sick I try to stay in bed and rest as much as possible.

  20. When sick gets real I sleep with my kids on the couch and rub their backs for as long as it takes till they fall asleep. Push water, some soup, and lots of cuddle time!

  21. When I get sick I rest as much as possible and drink lots of fluids.
    thank you

  22. I always start up the humidifier right away, and put on a movie. During garage sale season, I stock up on movies for the kids, and when they are sick...we pull a new one out they have not seen yet. Gives them something to watch to help try to take their mind off being sick.

  23. Lots of movies, lots of chicken soup and lots of ice cream.

  24. Lots and rest and fluids are what we do. Also use a humidifier if needed.

  25. I make soup, have lots of water and drinks on hand, give meds, read to them, and give lots of love and reassurance.

  26. When sick gets real in our house we stock up on drinks like coconut water, I bring out the essential oils, and we stock every room with tissue and garbage bags. I also make sure to clean everyones toothbrushes with hydrogen peroxide!

  27. I make chicken noodle soup.

  28. we get the proper medicine and snuggle up in front of the TV

  29. I usually take medicine, make homemade soup, put on my favorite pair of pajamas and nap.

  30. Whip out the essential oils, get the honey and do lots and lots of cuddling!

  31. We hunker down and take meds and drink lots of warm tea.

  32. Since our family has asthma and usually each year we become infected with an upper respiratory infection, I take big precautions. First I make sure that I take them in to see the doctor for their breathing treatments. Then, I make sure that they are breathing well at home. Breathing is imperative. Then I make sure to bleach down everything around me so that if they do have a bacteria they do not reinfect themselves or others. Bleach is the miracle worker in my home. :D

  33. Essential oils, bone broth, and lots of water, rest and love!! I also like to make my son a nice warm bath.

  34. When anyone in my home is sick, we try to get plenty of rest and fluids and stay away from each other so the whole house does not get sick also.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  35. I make sure they have lots of fluids, a warm blanket, and cartoon network.

  36. I try to ward of possible illness by catching symptoms early and preventing them from becoming worse. I have medicine from my dr. to help when I start to feel sick that I can start taking it right away. I do try to stay out of situations that could cause me to become sick, which does help :)

  37. I have one with Diabetes and heart transplant and one who had Cancer at 7 so off to the Dr when ever they get sick .

  38. When sick gets real, in my home, I ride it out with lots of fluids, TLC, and movies for the kids.

  39. Lots of medicine, kleenex, cleaning, and rest.

  40. We start taking vitamin C right away.

  41. I always get plenty of rest and I take cold medicines to help me get over a cold faster.

  42. I drink plenty of water, get lots of rest and stay in bed!

  43. If it's a cold, I always bring out the humidifier first. Then it's plenty of fluids, rest, and cuddles (for the little ones)! Relaxing and having a ! movie/show marathon always helps as well. :)

  44. When my daughter gets sick I just give her extra snuggles and take care of her the best way I can.
    Nicole Carter

  45. When sick gets real at my house, I make sure I have stocked up on medicine, tissues, orange juice and movies.

  46. I diffuse essential oils and make plenty of chicken soup.

  47. When sick gets real the liquids are flowing and humidifier going! Thank you for the chance to win!

  48. When sick gets real I make sure they are comfy and have chicken noodle soup and Netflix.

  49. As a single parent, the worst thing is when I'm sick at the same time as the kids.

  50. I set them up on the couch with plenty of fluids. I put in favorite shows that they love and check on them frequently. I dole out extra cuddles. They are babied when they are sick.

  51. I make my daughter as comfortable as possible and fix her homemade chicken noodle soup, watch TV or movies with her, and give her lots of love and sympathy! Thank you!!

  52. I take my vitamins and try to sleep to overcome when Sick Gets Real.

  53. I make sure my daughter gets lots of rest and fluids. We also make sure to keep a rice pack in the freezer for when she has a fever and it helps to provide a little relief when she's burning up.

  54. I get extra sleep and drink lots of fluids.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com


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