5 Investments To Make In Your Dog's Long-Term Health

We all love our dogs, even if they can be a little boisterous at times. There’s a real bond that develops with our pooches over time, after all, the moniker of “man’s best friend” hardly grew without reason.

Dogs are loyal companions, but they also need to be taken care of. That’s often why some cat people aren’t quite as interested in the messy and ultra-reliant nature of dogs, even if fondness never has to be either/or and most people like both types of pests just fine.

5 Investments To Make In Your Dog's Long-Term Health

Investing in your dog’s long-term health, then, is always going to be important. Depending on the breed you have, they may have unique health challenges or at least the predisposition for developing problems.

One thing to remember is that pets are not cheap. In fact, they can be rather expensive to care for. That’s not to say doing so is a burden, only that you need to prepare for it. So - not only does caring for your dog’s health and making the right decisions now improve their quality of life (which is always the priority), but it saves money too. A rare win-win!

Let’s consider a few tips for achieving such an outcome:

Onboarding With a Trusted Vet & Keeping Regular Checkups

As soon as you bring a dog into the home (or even before doing so), it’s good to identify the best vet in your area. This vet should be able to perform emergency meetings, and regular checkups, and develop a bond with your pet as they care for them over the years.

This way, they can also care for their medical record, give them the vaccines they may not have had already, and properly inspect for any issues you may be concerned about. Vets aren’t only animal doctors, but also animal dentists for the most part, as this is just an essential checkup to keep as any other management effort. Give an extra mile of care by making use of animal DNA testing to uncover the pet's ancestry, sensitivities, and overall health.

Of course, it’s also important to find a vet you like and that you can trust to offer a reliable service. It’s only your dog that should be nervous (however mistakenly) when pulling into the vet’s parking area.

Neutering & Spraying

Depending on if you aim to breed your dog to create puppies or not, neutering or spraying them can be a good investment to make. It’s not hard to see some of the benefits here - preventing unwanted pregnancy can surely save you a great deal of surprise and the need for added investment.

This has a dual benefit also - for example, removing reproductive organs can prevent reproductive diseases such as ovarian cancers. It can also help reduce territorial behavior in male dogs, because when you remove their testicles, you significantly reduce testosterone production, meaning that they become a little more placid and easygoing, but still remain the little pooch you’ve learned to love.

Regular Exercise

Depending on your dog’s breed, exercise may or may not be as important to them. For example, if you own a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, with little legs and little frames, then a comfortable walk in the park a few times a week and letting them run around your back garden may be enough.

Other breeds, like huskies for example, are bred to be work dogs and require intensive exercise to stay healthy. Otherwise, that pent-up energy can express itself in any number of ways. It’s important to consider the lifestyle you lead and if you can properly acquiesce to the needs of your pooch, and if not, to consider a few measures around that. Some even use doggy treadmills to help them stretch their legs, attending mutual animal training classes so they get used to other dogs, or even head out into the park every single morning for a good walk.

Luckily, going out with your dog allows you to exercise at the same time. Some dogs learn to run with their owners through nature trails and can be a wonderful companion to keep with you.

Be Mindful of The Foods You Give Them

Of course, we all know that dogs can’t eat certain foods like chocolate. It’s also best to avoid giving them grapes and raising, avocados, cooked bones (due to splintering, raw is usually okay), onions and garlic, and certain nuts.

But it’s not just what you won’t give them that matters, even though your dog would most likely enjoy eating anything and everything. It’s about making sure they have the right diet. To begin with, you can detrain them from the inclination to eat poop or grass in your garden by picking up the former and keeping the latter well-trimmed, as well as discouraging that behavior through commands.

A well-fed dog, especially using fantastic formulation such as Nextrition cold pressed dog food, can provide proper satiation and ensures they have all the nutrients they need to grow effectively. Make sure to manage good portion control to manage their weight responsibly.

Ensure The House Is Occupied Most of The Time

A dog’s environment will often define how active, engaged and stimulated they are from day to day. Constant loneliness, while you’re at work for ten hours a day or more, can be very harmful to a poor dog and can even lead to depression, anxiety, and misbehavior from boredom.

That’s not to say you have to babysit your dog at every hour of the day, but it is essential to consider if your lifestyle is compatible with owning a dog. This is why it’s often best for families to have dogs, because people come and go often enough to provide the right stimulation.

Alternatively, having more than one dog in the household can allow them to enjoy some company when you’re temporarily not there. We’re certain you’ll find the best and happiest middle-ground; but just consider these scenarios before you move forward and develop yourself anew.

With this advice, you’re sure to invest in your dog’s long-term health through purchasing the right equipment, creating the best home environment, and making the correct preparations.

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