Brain Concussion: How Long Does It Last and Will There Be Any Long-Term Consequences?

A concussion is an injury that seems to draw attention and conflicting opinions. Many people know it is a brain injury but understand very little beyond that. It is a traumatic brain injury from a violent jolt or blow that disrupts how the brain functions. The blow does not have to land on the head to cause a concussion; a hit on other parts of the body could make the head jerk forcefully, which is enough to cause injury. The impact damages nerves or blood vessels, leading to short-term loss of some brain functions. A single concussion hardly causes permanent damage, but multiple concussions could lead to lasting structural changes in the brain. This piece will highlight more about brain concussion and its impact to help readers learn more about this injury and take appropriate measures on time.

Brain Concussion: How Long Does It Last and Will There Be Any  Long-Term Consequences?

Who Is at Risk of Brain Concussion?

Many activities could cause concussions. It is hard to clearly say who is at risk of this injury. However, children and seniors are at high risk because they are likely to fall. People who engage in contact sports and competitions involving driving cars or driving bicycles and motorbikes are also at risk. Military service people face a higher risk during training and in war zones. If a person sustains injury in the line of duty, a Brain Injury Attorney can help pursue compensation. This ensures the injured person can lead a normal life despite temporary or long-term loss of some brain functions.

How Does Concussion Occur?

Some people wonder what differentiates brain concussion from traumatic brain injury. The terms may confuse a layman, but there is really no difference. However, many healthcare professionals tend to use the latter for more severe brain damage. A concussion occurs when the soft and squishy brain tissue bounces or twists against the skull. So, what happens when the tissues twist? The jerking movement damages the blood vessels and nerves or damages the cells. Additionally, chemical changes sometimes occur due to this impact.

Short-Term Consequences of Concussion

Only a small portion of the injured people develop post-concussion syndrome. Some actually don’t believe they were injured. This is usually because the systems appear about 7 to 10 days later. However, these symptoms could go on for weeks or years, and they vary from one person to another. Some healthcare providers could actually associate these symptoms with other medical conditions. The symptoms include drowsiness and memory loss, which lower the quality of life. The injured person may struggle to do simple chores like cleaning or grocery shopping. Others have trouble sleeping or coordinating their daily life.

Long-Term Effects of Concussion

A person may change personality if the injury hits the brain part associated with behavior and emotions. However, it might take years for such changes to occur since the date of the concussion. Loved ones are the first people to notice changes such as mood swings and anxiety. Some struggle with a lack of impulse control and negative thoughts. They are also at a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease later in life because concussion affects the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Lastly, some people have memory and concentration issues, which make it more difficult to lead a normal life.

A concussion could alter a person’s life in many ways. It could have short-term or long- term results, as discussed above. Therefore, a person who suffers brain injury in the line of duty deserves compensation and extensive treatment. This will minimize the long-term impact of the problem.

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