Any Gender Predictors? {WW Week #52 + LINKY}

So we had our 20 weeks anatomy scan on Monday and they gave us this.
The temptation is almost too much to handle.

Five Months Old

Lizzie turned 5 months old yesterday. I can't believe it!

We got Family Pictures taken on Saturday; May 7, 2011. Click the image to view the rest of the pictures (if we are friends on Facebook.):)

Here's her on Mother's Day sitting in a big girl high chair for the second time ever all by herself. :D

And TODAY she sat all by herself! Click the image to read the milestone. :)

Happy 4 Months, Sweet Pea!

Happy Saturday, everyone!
So I have been using our Wii Fit for my exercise. (I also have been walking and of course doing house cleaning and taking care of the baby which regardless of what any website says, I have a flight of stairs to run up and down so it counts!)
Anyways, today my baby girl turned four months old.

So we decided to create a Mii (the people used for each player in the games) so we could weigh her each month. It's a little off because I couldn't put her exact birthday or her height but none the less I created one. (She weighs 12.2 pounds BTW! :] )
I made my husband weigh himself and see what his Wii Fit age is. He hadn't used the Wii Fit in almost two years! (And wants me to get Zumba. I refuse to bring another exercise program into this house that isn't used - we already have P90X.)
Anyways we took this picture once we made Sweet Pea's Mii.

My DH is asleep because he's so lazy and I'm looking at him annoyed! HA!

And Lizzie is her name-o.

So I have been getting alot of drama about Elizabeth's name. Basically because we have friends who named their daughter Elizabeth. They call her Eliza and we will be calling our little girl Lizzie.

The thing is I have had Elizabeth Nicole picked out since I was nine. I've also liked the name Elizabeth since I was three. I had a cabbage patch doll named Elizabeth Pinky Martin. I think the name is classic and there is so much you can do with it. Plus, my mother lost a child when she was three days and her name was Elizabeth Ann. So the name has alot of meaning for us.

We talked about this name before we were even engaged and it's our child so we can name her what we want. We have other friends who have a little boy named Mikey and we were going to name a boy if we had one Michael Gregory and they didn't mind. I also think when Eliza and Lizzie get older they will think it's cool they have the same name. I mean it's not like it's an original name that was used. It's completely classic.

So for those of you last night who had issues with it, get over it. She's not your child.

Buy us PINK!

Today (well technically yesterday now) was our doctor's appointment with the 20 week ultrasound and we found out that we are having a little girl and she is developing PERFECTLY!

She is 12 oz, we could see her strong heartbeat, she was moving ALOT (which I actually felt today), and we could see her spine. She was moving her mouth alot (like mommy) and didn't want to smile for the camera (like daddy). She is also right on target with her due date. I thought at first that Hubby was disappointed she was a girl but he said it was just that he was more scared now and she isn't leaving the house until she is thirty. :] Here are some pictures (I'll post more once my phone isn't being crappy):

The crazy thing is, I had a dream over the weekend that my dad was changing the baby's diaper but we had a ribbon-like cord connecting me & the baby and he said, "Look at your little girl." and he showed me and I said, "No I am not suppose to find out yet!" And so he covered her up. Isn't that crazy?!

I called my step-mom and then I thought "O I need to call my dad" and then cried when I realized. Today was also stressful for other reasons. I guess because I feel that my dad cared about this baby more than is being considered. But I'll have to get over that. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to do certain things and could make my life as stress free as possible. Well, anyways. We are having a girl! My dad wanted me to have a boy, I hope he isn't disappointed. But I'm just happy that she's healthy. :]

20 weeks - half way there!

Today, I am 20 weeks along. Half way there, only 140 days left to go! :]

*Click the pic for info on a week 20 pregnancy from*

Waiting for my nausea to go away. YUCK! I think it's all the drainage from the extra mucus or if I get too hungry.

Tuesday we find out what we are having!

Also Greg has a luncheon meeting for work. He is thinking that he will get a promoted to a level 2 co-manager. Which I REALLY hope he does because that means I might get to be a stay-at-home mom! *Keep your fingers crossed!*

Also here is the video I made for Greg for Father's Day. I hope you enjoy! :]: