Although Thursday was 4th of July, the fireworks got rescheduled to Sunday. They are held here in Jackson at Daughtry Park and are amazing!
First we tried to get SweetPea to go down the big inflatable slide with her daddy, but she wanted no part of that. Then we took her over to the jumpy house and this is as far as she would go in. So my in-laws basically donated $5 to the city of Jackson. haha. Anyways, then the girls got their faces painted and hair done. SweetPea did so good especially while getting her hair done because she had a lollipop to keep her occupied!
We all got a little bored waiting for the fireworks to start once they took the other activities away. They they started them 10 minutes late. But they were big and beautiful. It started to rain early so we got to leave early before the traffic got too crazy.
All in all, I'd say we had a fun day! How did you celebrate your fourth?
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