The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Dream Vacation Home in Florida's Hidden Gem
Monday, November 25, 2024
Great Reasons To Holiday In Florida
Thursday, September 9, 2021
If you are looking to book your next summer holiday early this year, one of the things you’ll want to do is find the ideal destination for your family. Florida is a stunning place to be, and if you want to enjoy a family holiday full of fun and activity - Florida should be top of your list.
Last Minute Family Trip to Daytona Beach
Thursday, July 19, 2018
My husband and I have decided that we are going to celebrate our anniversary with a trip every year. Whether we go on a large trip like the cruise we took to Mexico or even a small day visit to the mountains, we want to go somewhere. I understand that everyone celebrates their anniversaries differently, but this is how we have chosen to celebrates our going forward.
Fall Break Family Vacation in Panama City Beach
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Every year we take a family vacation to Panama City Beach, FL for Fall Break. Our schools are on a year round schedule so our summers are shorter, we go to school earlier, but we get more breaks during the year. It has been this way since I have been in high school. This year was different though although the break was moved back to September, we were worried about Hurricane Irma the entire week before.
Anyways, we go with my husband's entire family. We decided a few years ago that we each need to get our own condos (at The Summit found through in the same building instead of sharing one huge condo. That way each individual family can have their own space or do their own thing while we still get to spend time together. This was the best year for my family. And I want to share why I think it was the best so far.
Win a LEGOLAND® Florida Vacation that’s #builtforkids!
Friday, July 22, 2016
The links in this post are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
If your children are fascinated by the ocean this summer, Little Passports' blog has an exciting and educational summer series to enjoy. Sit down with your kids and explore the best maritime museums around the world or take an under-the-sea adventure to discover creatures of the deep!
If your children are fascinated by the ocean this summer, Little Passports' blog has an exciting and educational summer series to enjoy. Sit down with your kids and explore the best maritime museums around the world or take an under-the-sea adventure to discover creatures of the deep!

Don't forget, Little Passports is partnering with the LEGOLAND® Florida Resort and Southwest Vacations to give away a family vacation that's #builtforkids!
This Sweepstakes ends on July 31st 2016! Enter the Little Passports and LEGOLAND® Florida Resort Sweepstakes today!
One Grand Prize Winner will enjoy:
Vacationing With Two
Sunday, October 12, 2014
This was our 4th vacation with my husband's family. My husband and I both agree, this was our most successful vacation to date. Maybe we finally figured out how to do it? But we had an extra person this year! And we did have our own rooms this year, so that could have played a part. But how did we do it? Here are a few tips that I think made it easier.
Vacation Update: Conclusion
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Okay and here is an update on the rest of our trip. I know I said I was going to post daily ones but I was exhausted at the end of each day. So I took a vacation from my blog. Ha!
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The sun setting on our vacation. |
Wednesday night we went to Wild Wings and then shopping around Pier Park. The guys took the little ones to ride the rides and Sweet Pea had to ride the merry-go-round twice. And then we went to Marble Slab and got some very yummy ice cream.
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After eating Wild Wings, in their matching dresses from Carter's. |
Thursday morning we left the girls with my FIL and Hubby while the ladies went to K-Mart to pick up a few things. I ended up buying a really cute bathing suit for only $7. And I know it's the end of the season and hopefully it will be too big by next year but I couldn't resist. I just love the way I feel in it and that is rare for me.
Then we came back and went out to the beach for a bit but after lunch I went out and left Sweet Pea with Daddy while I had some very much needed quality time with the sand, ocean air, and just me.
Thursday night we went to eat at Pineapple Willy's with just me, Sweet Pea, and the Hubby. And then after that we went and played putt putt because Hubby just HAD to go. It was very cute and quite amusing. Sweet Pea didn't really play (thank goodness she was free :]) but it was so cute. She just held on to her ball and club the entire time. And then when we had to put her ball up, she was NOT a happy camper.
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Thursday night we went to eat at Pineapple Willy's with just me, Sweet Pea, and the Hubby. And then after that we went and played putt putt because Hubby just HAD to go. It was very cute and quite amusing. Sweet Pea didn't really play (thank goodness she was free :]) but it was so cute. She just held on to her ball and club the entire time. And then when we had to put her ball up, she was NOT a happy camper.
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Little Cousin and Hubby |
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After everyone got home with her balloon hat |
Friday we spent all day at the beach (except nap time) and that night we went to Margaritaville. They had a lady on stilts making animal balloon hats and such. Then a Jimmy Buffet song came on and the lights turned bright. I was really nervous because there were cannons on the wall and I forgot what they did last year. But we just found the lost shaker of salt.
We were then suppose to go walk out on the Pier but Hubby started getting a migraine so we left early. He has never had one before but we are pretty sure that's what it was. He is fine now though.
And then Saturday was the LONG trip home. It's so good to be home. And everything is back to normal. I still have some unpacking to do but that part is no big deal. The driving with an almost 22 month old was not fun. We didn't leave until 9 so she hardly slept but she was a good sport about it.
Finally home and so glad I did a deep clean before we left and had a washer/dryer at the condo. It's hard to try and get back into our daily routine but I'm getting there.
So did anyone else do anything fun while the kiddos were out of school for Fall Break? Or any fun vacations over the summer? Share them! I would love some ideas for next year. ;)
Vacation: Mid-Week Update
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
So this vacation has been interesting to say the least. I am looking at all the awesome couponing deals I am missing and wishing I had brought my coupons but honestly that is just because I just now turned on a computer. I really have been enjoying myself even though we have had some bumps along the way.
We left at 6 am Saturday morning. We said we were going to leave at 5 but with two kids (one a 21 month old who doesn't wake up until 7:30) things are never going to go as planned. We stopped at Cracker Barrel before we really got on the road. Sweet Pea took two hour long naps. And was really good. She drank a lot of fluids and had an accident through her diaper when we reached Panama City, it wasn't time to check in yet so I had to change her at the Wendy's across the street, where we also had lunch. They didn't have a changing table in the restroom and the car was packed so we had to hide in a booth so I could change her. We did head to the beach as soon as we checked in but Sweet Pea was having none of it.
Saturday night we ate pizza in the room, we had to head back out to Publix (where I had a bad experience with the cashier), and then headed back to the condo where we promptly crashed of sheer exhaustion.
Saturday night we ate pizza in the room, we had to head back out to Publix (where I had a bad experience with the cashier), and then headed back to the condo where we promptly crashed of sheer exhaustion.
Sunday we spent almost the entire day at the beach. Sweet Pea didn't like walking in the sand but we had to make her because everyone's hands were full carrying stuff. Once she got to our spot she loved to play in the sand. She would even dump it on to her legs. She took a 3 hour nap in her pack-n-play and had no trouble going to sleep. That night we went to Sharky's to eat. Panama City is an hour difference from our time. So although Sweet Pea wakes up between 7 - 7:30 at home, she woke up between 6 - 6:30 almost everyday so far. So dinner was eventful because I didn't take into consideration that it was almost 7pm our time by the time she was having dinner. She wouldn't eat any snacks I brought and only wanted to be held. Once the food came she was happier but of course I didn't realize the issue until Tuesday. :/ Hubby and I wanted to share a seafood platter but didn't realize everything was fried, and they were using old grease, so after looking forward to seafood, I was VERY disappointed.
After that we headed to Pier Park to ride some rides. Sweet Pea rode the merry-go-round and Ferris wheel. I almost had a heart attack but Daddy said she loved it.
Monday we had to go to Wal-mart because we were already almost out of bread and milk! But considering there are 8 people staying in our condo and everyone is eating cereal for breakfast and having sandwiches for lunch, it makes sense. Sweet Pea did even better about going to the beach and didn't cry walking on it. She still insisted on holding both hands but this was a vast improvement. She even made a friend.
Monday night we went to Spinnaker's. All I have to say about that night was "wow". There was a patio that had stairs down to the beach and since she was pitching a fit, we took her out to walk in the sand. But since I hadn't figured out the hour difference thing, she wouldn't put her shoes back on but wanted to walk around but I was afraid she would get splinters. She pitched the BIGGEST fit. And I had to walk with her to the other room and I cried. And that made her stop because she felt bad. But then our food came and she was in a lot better mood. But it shouldn't have come to that. It makes me mad because didn't I just say stick to your child's schedule?
Monday night we went to Spinnaker's. All I have to say about that night was "wow". There was a patio that had stairs down to the beach and since she was pitching a fit, we took her out to walk in the sand. But since I hadn't figured out the hour difference thing, she wouldn't put her shoes back on but wanted to walk around but I was afraid she would get splinters. She pitched the BIGGEST fit. And I had to walk with her to the other room and I cried. And that made her stop because she felt bad. But then our food came and she was in a lot better mood. But it shouldn't have come to that. It makes me mad because didn't I just say stick to your child's schedule?
After that I needed a drink. So once Sweet Pea went to sleep, we left her with the in-laws and headed to Mrs. Newby's (a short walk from our condo) and had their famous Hunch Punch. Very yummy and lots of fun was had by all.
Tuesday we went shopping at a consignment shop and then went to Pier Park to the Carter's because I had a 20% off $40 coupon I had been itching to use because last year they had such great deals. They had great deals this year. Nana bought Sweet Pea a ton of cute clothes and we are very grateful. Too bad we didn't go today because Grandparent's get an extra 10% off! We also visited Starbucks.
By this time, it was lunch and nap time. I was exhausted and decided to take a nap with Sweet Pea. Then when we woke up, we headed to the beach where of course she had a blast and even buried Daddy in the sand.
That night for dinner we went to Schooner's and I decided that we should order food for Little Bit as soon as we sat down. And I am so glad we did. She did awesome. If it wasn't for them firing the cannon at sunset then she would have been perfect. But she still did amazing. And I am so glad we figured out a way for us to be able to have a peaceful meal because I was thinking we were going to have a dinner of sandwiches in the room every night.

Whew, that was a long post. Maybe I should try and do daily ones from now on. Anyways, I am having fun. I have been checking in here and there but I've honestly been trying to stay unconnected as much as possible. I needed a break, although I have been cleaning up after everyone. :/ But I think that's more my OCD. HA!
Tips for Vacationing with an Infant
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Panama City Beach here we come! Yes there are TWO WEEKS until our vacation so (since I am doing my own bit of packing) I thought I would share my advice and experience for packing with a small child/infant.
There are SO many things you need when you are going on vacation for a child. Things that aren't even in your normal every day life that you wouldn't think about packing.

First of all you need to think about where your child is going to sleep. We took a pack-n-play for my daughter to sleep in last year and plan to do the same this year. BUT if you have limited space, maybe you can call the hotel/condo and see if they have a crib, pull away bed, pack-n-play, or some other portable bed for your child to sleep in. Some nights my daughter would end up in the bed with us. I was still nursing and it was only in the wee hours of the morning. This is what she was use to at home though. I suggest trying to stick to your normal sleep schedule as much as possible or slightly adjust it as the days go on. Just remember that when you get home, your child will still be on vacation time if you change their normal routine too much.
Next thing to consider is food. If your baby is on formula, you should DEFINITELY bring enough formula for the entire trip so you can make sure you can get the good deals. What I highly suggest is buying snacks or foods that your child loves but doesn't get very often, that way when you are out at a restaurant, they have their pre-meal snack and are pre-occupied with it as well. And if you don't mind nursing in public then I wouldn't worry about a pump. But if you milk share or are a power pumper and you are flying, I would call the airline ahead to make sure they know you are bringing breastmilk on board and ask for any of the rules that go with that.
Other Quicklist Helpful Tips:
*Start preparing to pack a few days before you travel. Keep a running list of things to take, or put items out on a table or dresser as you think of them.
*Start preparing to pack a few days before you travel. Keep a running list of things to take, or put items out on a table or dresser as you think of them.
*Use a diaper bag with a waterproof lining and a shoulder strap.
*Be prepared for leaky diapers and baby spit-up if you are traveling by airplane: Tuck an extra outfit or two for your baby – and an extra shirt for you – into your carry-on bag.
*Prevent leaks by packing medicines and toiletries in resealable plastic bags.
*Pack each of your baby's outfits in its own zipped plastic bag so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.
*Take your camera, battery charger, and an extra memory card.
*Take the phone number for your baby's healthcare provider in case you have questions while you're on the road.
*Be prepared for leaky diapers and baby spit-up if you are traveling by airplane: Tuck an extra outfit or two for your baby – and an extra shirt for you – into your carry-on bag.
*Prevent leaks by packing medicines and toiletries in resealable plastic bags.
*Pack each of your baby's outfits in its own zipped plastic bag so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.
*Take your camera, battery charger, and an extra memory card.
*Take the phone number for your baby's healthcare provider in case you have questions while you're on the road.
Congratulations. You are now going on a trip with a child. It is no longer a vacation. But you will still have a blast!
Did I miss anything? Leave me a comment letting me know what is something you ALWAYS remember to pack. :)
family travel,
milk share,
mommy brain,
panama city beach,
power pumper,
sippy cup,
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