Potty Training. I said once the new year hit, we were going to buckle down and get it done. But how do you teach an unwilling student? Seriously. I am researching and trying every trick in the book. In all my searching, the number one tip is to be prepared! Be prepared that they'll have accidents, be prepared to clean up, and be prepared to reward as well. So I have compiled a list of products that make potty training easier and help make you more prepared.
Potty Training Preparedness 101
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
potty train,
potty trained,
potty training,
toddler life
Potty Training Tips & Tricks
Saturday, November 14, 2015
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Acorn. All opinions are my own.
So if you have been following my blog for a little while, then you know that my son is 20 months old. Yep, you read that right. Can you believe it has been that long since I had him? Being the almost two year old that he is, I have started to think about potty training. Why? Because he is actually showing signs of readiness. He will come to me when he needs a diaper change, he will leave the room to go, and then he will find me to tell me he is stinky.
So it's time to start dusting off my potty training tips. I had a girl the first time around, but I was a nanny so I have a little experience potty training a boy. Here's a list I have created with my tips, including an essentials list:
potty train,
potty trained,
potty training,
How to Throw a Potty Training Party + Giveaway
Saturday, September 26, 2015
I'm teaming up with Kandoo to share a fun way to celebrate the potty training process, plus a chance to win one of 50 Potty Training Prize Packs.
Scroll to the bottom of this post to enter to win one of 50 Potty Prize Kits from Kandoo!
Hosting your own potty training party is easy! Whether you're getting your little one excited to start using the potty or you're celebrating a big success, a potty training party can add some fun and excitement to the potty training experience.
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potty train,
potty trained,
potty training,
Coping with Bedwetting with Super Undies
Sunday, August 30, 2015
I received complimentary products to provide this review. All opinions are my own.
How long do you think the average child takes before they have no accidents at day or at night? It's the hardest to get your child to stay dry at night. But your child can't be "potty trained" out of it. But disposable products can be expensive, so what do you do? I recently had the opportunity to review Super Undies Pull-On Training Pants in Fearsome Frog
How long do you think the average child takes before they have no accidents at day or at night? It's the hardest to get your child to stay dry at night. But your child can't be "potty trained" out of it. But disposable products can be expensive, so what do you do? I recently had the opportunity to review Super Undies Pull-On Training Pants in Fearsome Frog
Super Undies has spent years developing and perfecting a reusable, waterproof, overnight option for bedwetting. Truth is, you never know when it's going to end. I know I was one of those people who saw these products a year ago and thought, "I'll just wait before making the investment." Two years later, wetting the bed has not stopped.
Potty Training During the Holidays
Friday, December 6, 2013
On our journey to get our daughter to ditch the diapers, we discovered that potty training during the Holidays can be a little rough. With the chaos of running to one event after another and getting everything together with shopping and baking, it can get a little off schedule which can throw your little one off their potty training routine and could make them regress.

Here are some of my tips for not letting Holiday Stress distract from your Potty Training Success:
1. Set a timer on your phone or use Pull-Ups® FREE timer that can be found on their website. Keeping a schedule in the midst of the chaos can help with those early days of potty training.
2. Show your child the potty when you go to a place they have never been before. Some children have trouble going potty when the environment has changed. There is too much to look at it. That's why when I'm out in public, even if I don't think my daughter has to go but she asks to go potty, we make a trip to explore the restroom. It can be time consuming, but it makes her more comfortable and she usually ends up going as well.
3. Take your child with you every time you need to go. Don't make it a struggle though. Sometimes children need to see that's it okay to go other places as well and seeing their number one role model go potty in a strange place can make it easier for them to adjust to any fears they might have.
4. Ask your child to go potty often. It can be hard to remember with all the excitement going on. But show your child that just because they take a break to go potty doesn't mean play time is over.
5. Bring along the Pull-Ups®! Pull-Ups® training pants are gender/size specific and there are a variety of products to match children’s various learning styles such as Pull-Ups® Training Pants with Cool Alert®, Learning Designs®, and Pull-Ups® Night*Time Training Pants.
Pull-Ups has also made it easy to save this Holiday season with an offer to share for a $3 off coupon!
It's super easy to save and share. Just make sure you are registered on their site! The fun thing about registering is Pull-Ups® offers a wide range of tips, tools and resources to help Moms and tots start potty training. On Pull-Ups.com, you can keep track of your Tot’s potty training success using the Big Kid® Calendar or you can enter the Party Room and customize a new celebration after each Big Kid® flush, bringing the celebration to life for your little one. PLUS who couldn't save a little extra this time of year?
What are your go to tips when potty training through the Holidays?
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pull-Ups® Training Pants. Save up to $3 on your next purchase of Pull-Ups® by registering at the Pull-Ups® website: http://bit.ly/1aAUPIG
5 Tips for Potty Training
Monday, September 16, 2013
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
2. Make them help clean up messes. If they pee in their panties/undies, then they can take them off. This was a big deal breaker for my daughter. She didn't want to touch the mess, so I think it really helped with association. And as long as you don't get mad, you are teaching them that cleaning up after their mistakes is just a part of life. You won't always be there to do it for them, so best to teach them early.
3. Routine. Being pregnant I have to go more often, so anytime I have to go - I just take my daughter with me. I could never find a good app I liked that would regularly remind us, and I will admit, I was bad about remembering. But now her little body tells her when she has to go because she got use to going on the potty.
4. Ditch the Diapers. You will have to clean up some accidents, but they will feel less comfortable, so they end up paying attention to their body better.
5. Be prepared to clean up a lot of messes and be prepared to not fully ditch the diapers at night for a while. Everyone I have talked to said night time potty training was the hardest. And beside the fact that your little one's bladder may not be ready (like my daughter), sometimes accidents just happen.
My daughter is completely potty trained during the day. We are currently working on night time potty training. I was also a Nanny for five years before I became a Mommy. I am going to share what worked for us and if you have any tips of your own, please share them in the comments below so we can all benefit. ;D
1. Don't yell, get mad, or punish. My friend's husband wanted to yell at their daughter whenever she had an accident on the floor and put her in time out. When you have been allowing them to go in their diapers for two years, it can be an alarming sensation to go in a pot. We have to teach them because they don't know any different and need to learn to listen to their little bodies.2. Make them help clean up messes. If they pee in their panties/undies, then they can take them off. This was a big deal breaker for my daughter. She didn't want to touch the mess, so I think it really helped with association. And as long as you don't get mad, you are teaching them that cleaning up after their mistakes is just a part of life. You won't always be there to do it for them, so best to teach them early.
3. Routine. Being pregnant I have to go more often, so anytime I have to go - I just take my daughter with me. I could never find a good app I liked that would regularly remind us, and I will admit, I was bad about remembering. But now her little body tells her when she has to go because she got use to going on the potty.
4. Ditch the Diapers. You will have to clean up some accidents, but they will feel less comfortable, so they end up paying attention to their body better.
5. Be prepared to clean up a lot of messes and be prepared to not fully ditch the diapers at night for a while. Everyone I have talked to said night time potty training was the hardest. And beside the fact that your little one's bladder may not be ready (like my daughter), sometimes accidents just happen.
GoodNites Underwear help them maintain a sense of privacy and self-esteem until your child outgrows bedwetting. With GoodNites Underwear, there’s no need for a child to worry about wet sheets and other disruptions.
Although GoodNites Underwear are the most absorbent pants for boys and girls ages 4 and up, Sweet Pea has always been moved up in size because of tendency to be a heavy wetter. I recommend GoodNites for night time potty training if you have an older child, larger child, or your child is like mine and is a heavy wetter because they specially made to protect while lying down, they help keep pajamas and bedding dry all night long and feature plush comfort with a discreet design
Remember to visit the GoodNites Facebook page so you can sign up for the undercover mission for your chance to win weekly prizes.
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4 Months Ago, Wordless Wednesday Linky
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
She has become completely Pacifier Free since April

Her First Hair Cut was 8/13/13

She has been Sleeping in her Big Girl Bed since 8/24/13 with no issues
And she is completely Potty Trained during the day, I can't remember the last time she had an accident!
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