Beach Life {Wordless Wednesday LINKY}
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Getting Ready for Dragon*Con {Wordful Wednesday LINKY}
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
This year will mark my husband's and mine's 13 year going to Dragon*Con together. What is Dragon*Con? Only the Southeast's largest sci-fi, fantasy, and gaming convention. Yup, we have been going every year for over a decade and this will make my daughter's 5th and my son's 4th. We love the parade and the different panels. But I think my favorite part is dressing up and looking at everyone else's costumes as well. This year our costumes were sponsored by Oriental Trading.
wordful wednesday,
Wordless Wednesday
Seeing the Solar Eclipse in the Path of Totality {Not So Wordless Wednesday + LINKY}
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
So if you live in the US, then you probably know all about the Solar Eclipse (and might even be tired of hearing about it). We knew this was a once in a lifetime experience and so we wanted to visit the Path of Totality for ourselves. So we rented a hotel room (camping was already full) and we made plans to spend the whole weekend hiking and visiting far away friends.
Viewing the eclipse in totality was truly a once in a lifetime, breathtaking experience.
Viewing the eclipse in totality was truly a once in a lifetime, breathtaking experience.
Too Many Chores? {Not So Wordless Wednesday + LINKY}
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
So if you follow me on SnapChat, then you saw a picture that I sent out asking, "Does this sound like too many chores for a 6 year old?" I didn't really expect any response, but I wanted to put it out there on a platform where I can actually get responses if you care to chime in.
So I decided Wednesday of last week that I wanted my daughter to start helping with more chores. She is 6 now and needs to learn responsibility. She also needs to learn how to do household chores so she knows how to take care of herself one day. If you're interested, I printed the Chore Chart found HERE.
I have seen that meme shared MULTIPLE times (including by close family) that says "Hey Millennial Parents, if your kids knows how to work an iPad then they know how to work a washing machine!" I felt this statement had a lot of truth to it, but
wordful wednesday,
Wordless Wednesday
First Day of School {WW + LINKY}
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
My daughter's first day of school was this Monday. She was a little nervous walking in compared to last year. She even wanted me to walk her in on the second day too. Last year, I was the one who was a pile of nerves. My anxiety was so bad last year and realizing I was sending my baby off to "real school" that I ended up crying in the car on the way home from dropping her off.
back to school,
sweet pea,
wordful wednesday,
Wordless Wednesday
Just Call Her Snaggle Tooth {Wordless Wednesday LINKY}
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
This past week my husband was on vacation from work so we decided very last minute to head to Cloudland Canyon State Park and go camping/hiking. It was a lot of fun that will get into more later, but it is a three hour drive up there. On the way home, we almost didn't give ourselves enough time to take my daughter to her dentist appointment where she had to get sealants on her back teeth. One of her front teeth had already been injured and then a boy at school accidentally knocked it loose so I wanted to get it checked out as well. Both top teeth were VERY loose, so they asked her if she wanted them to take the teeth out...
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Getting Ready for Dragon*Con {Wordless Wednesday LINKY}
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Our yearly adventure to Dragon*Con is in 8 DAYS! I can not wait! We actually have our own hotel room and are staying the entire weekend this year. Dragon*Con if you don't know, is the southeast's largest sci-fi convention.
SweetPea already had her Elsa dress, she got it for Christmas from my mom, but Peanut got his Olaf costumer from Oriental Trading. Look for a full review soon! :) I also got some new suck pads for my LILLEbaby carrier. I'm using it because it all black and matches better, but also because it's an air flow so I feel like it will be cooler. The suck pads are Star Wars themed and oh so cute! Don't worry I will make to share a picture. I am so excited for this year.
star wars,
wordful wednesday,
Wordless Wednesday
Happy New Year's Eve!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! I hope you have some great plans tonight or snuggling your littles close like I will be.
A Decade Ago {Wordless Wednesday}
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
June 20th, 2004 is when my husband and I officially started "going steady". Our Love Story started over a decade ago. We decided we only wanted to date each other and no one else. We were young. I was 18 and he was 20 (showing my age, huh?). We went on our first date a week or so before that. So I'm dedicating this Wordless (or Wordlful as it seems) Wednesday to my wonderful Hubby and may have 10 MORE years together!
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