Wordless Wednesday, #8

December 1st - 8 o'clock

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December 2nd - Peace
In our house it's the calm after a tantrum.

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Day 3: Something you held.

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Day 4: Black & White
white chalk lines on a black chalkboard & flashcards

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15 Gift Ideas for Toddlers

15 Gift Ideas for Toddlers

It's Sweet Pea's Birthday week here at our house and the countdown begins to my baby turning TWO!

And in the spirit of birthdays and the up coming Holidays, I have been doing a ton of research on good gifts to give toddlers. Plus, I had multiple people ask me what to get her.
So here are the 15 Top Gift Ideas for Toddlers that I have Found:

Help With Small Motor Skills:

1. Puzzles
Love these Hand Crafted Chunky Puzzles by Melissa & Doug.

2. Blocks

3. Coloring Books and Crayons

Coloring Books and Crayons - Toddler Gift Idea

Speech Encouraging Products:

4. "Leap Frog: Phonics Farm"
This movie has helped my daughter tremendously! She can now recognize letters and I give a great deal of credit to this movie.

5. Flash Cards

6-7. Apptivities and Apps
There are tons of free apps but having a variety and mixing it up would pretty awesome as well. Get your niece or nephew (*wink*wink* Bubba) the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Apptivity iPhone Case or the iPad one Plus a $10 iTunes Gift Card. All in one gift and the parents will be grateful because you saved their electronics from dangerous little hands.
Or if you don't want to hand over your mobile device or tablet, get them their own!

Leap Frog iPad Case - Toddler Gift Idea

Imaginative Play:

8. Bubbles

9. Clothes, yes as toys.
Encourages creative play! Sweet Pea loves shoes and hats! And any accessories. :)

Creative Play - Toddler Gift Ideas

10. Plushies, Baby Dolls, and the like.
Pretty obvious how this applies to imaginative play! ;)
No doubt you know why I'm partial to these Dreamy Sounds Soothie plushies from Disney Baby. Great for little babies and your toddler baby too.

Large Motor Skills:

11. Balls!
My daughter has a slight obsession with balls. It was one of the first words she said very well and whenever she sees still to this day, it's "Ball, Ball, Ball, Ball". :)

Balls of all sizes - Toddler Gift Ideas

12. Tricycle
We got Sweet Pea the Little Tikes 3-in-1 Trike because it can grow with her and adjust to her skill level.

13. JumpStart Trampoline
At this age, Toddlers don't really jump. They just don't have the balance for it. But this can help them with that! It can teach them to jump by helping them gradually gain their balance, plus it provides safer bouncing for all.

Overall just awesome fun!:

14. Kid Friendly Music CDs.
Learning to read music is like reading another language. Click HERE to read 12 Benefits of Music Education.
FREE Personalized Elmo song & Sesame Street downloads, just enter email addy and promo code: myelmo. {Redeem Now}
FREE Cedarmont Kids Sampler {Redeem Now}

15. A Zoo or Aquarium Membership!
Our zoo membership was the Best Purchase of the year for us! And if I hadn't gotten into a car accident and had transportation for the second half of the year, it would have been better. But with Toddlers, an all day out at parks isn't an option. They still need their down time, but with a membership you can whenever you want, when it fits around your schedule, plus you aren't pressured to see everything in one day.

Zoo, Museum, Aquarium Memberships - Gift Ideas for Toddlers

Did you find this list helpful? What are you planning on buying your toddler or a toddler close to your heart?

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The Mom Connection - How do you prepare for the Holidays with your children?

I am teaming up this week with Naptime Review and Two in Diapers for this exciting series about motherhood.

 We are always wondering how other moms handle certain issues or dilemmas,
so each week we are going to tackle the questions of motherhood.
Coming on December 8th, we will discuss:

Fun holiday projects to do with your kids.

If you have some thoughts or advice on next week's topic please email
We would love for you to be part of The Mom Connection!

Now on to this week's topic!
How do you prepare for the holidays with your children?
Here is what a few of us had to say:

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Welcome! I'm Julie over at Naptime Review. I am a mom of 2 wild, crazy and beautiful girls. My oldest turns 4 on Christmas Eve and my baby is 15 months old. This is how I prepare my children for the holidays:

This Christmas will be the best yet! My girls are at a fun age. I have a lot of memorable things planned for the month of December. I am really trying to instill the sense of tradition with my children. I want them to look forward to family events and special fun activities each holiday season. I also want to make sure they understand why we celebrate Christmas and to have giving hearts.

This year, I have prepared and organized 2 special advent events for my children. I have purchased the goodies for my Pottery Barn wall calendar and I have also organized the craft supplies for the daily ornaments. Each day my daughter and I are going to make an ornament and discuss the "true meaning" of Christmas. We are then going to hang it on her little tree. I can't wait to get started. Click here if you'd like to learn more about The Truth in Tinsel curriculum.

I have seen a lot of great advent resources out there on Pinterest and other blogs. Find what works best for your family and have fun!  My goal is to be organized and to start traditions that hopefully my girls will carry on.

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Hi! I'm Cassie
from Two In Diapers, and I'm a mommy to three sweet babies, ages 4, 3, and 18 months. This is how I prepare for the holidays with my children:

In my family growing up we had so many traditions and the holidays were such a special time for us! I really hope that carry that on with my little family!

My littles are just now reaching the age where Christmas is really exciting for them, so we're sort of newbies at this. We have definitely already established the tradition of getting our Christmas tree {real, of course!} the morning after Thanksgiving and decorating it that night or the the following night. Last year, we also packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child {our church contributes}, and I think we will try to do this, or something similar, every year.  

We definitely talk to our children about the meaning of Christmas but we also allow some Santa fun, including gifts from Santa, photos with Santa, etc. We make it clear to them that Santa is just a daddy dressed in a costume and that we celebrate Santa for fun, but also that they are not allowed to tell the other kids this, as that is their parents' job. This seems to have worked for us so far!

This will be the first year that we celebrate Advent with our children, and it should be so fun! My family always read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever {a couple chapters per week} after advent, and I definitely hope to start a fun tradition like that!

Amidst all the holiday spirit and the family traditions, our main goal is to teach our precious babies about Jesus' birth, as well as to show them that Christmas is a time of sharing and giving with family and friends.

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My name is Pamela from Pamela's Heavenly Treats. I am a mom of 6 kids, 5 boys and 1 baby girl - ages 15, twins 13, 9, 6 and 2. I love having a big family. For a person who didn't want kids, the Lord really socked it to me! I love being a mama, wouldn't change that for anything in the world, to see my boys be gentleman and my little girl learning the first stages of modesty. This is how I prepare for the holidays with my children: 

We always put God first in everything that we do, especially for the holidays! Christmas is a special time in our family. My kids write a letter to teh Lord with their wish list and put it on the Christmas tree. I have had so many people tell me that they wished they would have done that with their children. 

They also know the reason for the season. It's not about gifts and more gifts because we already have the ultimate gift: God. On Christmas morning we all gather around the tree and sing Happy Birthday Jesus and pray, and then it's gift time! By doing this since we had our first child (who is now 15), they love everything that they receive. They're not looking or asking WHY they didn't get something. I hope they will keep that tradition going when they become parents.   

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My name is Diana
from Nanny 2 Mommy
I am a mom of a beautiful toddler girl but also take care of my friend's daughter, who is a month younger than mine almost to the day. This is how I prepare for the holidays with my children:

Preparing for the holidays is an overwhelming chore in our house. Once everything is up, I love it and never want to take them down, but my daughter's birthday is December 9th and she has always been a little sensitive to change of environment. PLUS, we have tons of decorations and such.

The first thing I do is, a few weeks before Thanksgiving I start making lists of events - what we are supposed to bring, map of where I want the decorations to go, etc. Then I start shopping. As a couponing mom, I want to make sure I catch products at the best price. About a week before Thanksgiving, I start bringing in the Christmas Decorations. I don't want my poor little one overwhelmed when her birthday arrives. Since my hubby only gets the weekend of her birthday off work to help me, I bring in all the little stuff and then he does lights and we do the tree together while watching Elf the day before her party. This worked wonderfully last year and I'm hoping for it to work out again this year.  

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My name is Christine
from A Fly On Our (Chicken Coup) Wall.
I am a mother of five boys and one girl, whose ages range from 14 to 3.  This is how I prepare for the holidays with my children: 

With the ages of our kids, preparing for the holidays means preparing in three different ways: with the little kids, with the big kids, and all together.  Preparing with the little ones involves bringing out our stack of Christmas picture books and reading them many, many times over the four weeks of Advent.  We also do plenty of crafts while the big kids are at school, the highlight being the “gingerbread” houses we make with our friends. 

As the kids get older we focus more on really preparing for Jesus’ birth.  Each morning before school, as they eat their breakfast, we read the Scripture for the day and have a short meditation/prayer time.  We also do some extra volunteer work during Advent.  We especially like volunteering at the local charity’s Christmas Store, where we help organize donated gifts and walk customers through as they shop.

Finally, we prepare together. We turn the Christmas music up nice and loud, so we can get our Christmas groove on while we decorate the tree. The carols are also blaring while we wrap gifts, bake cookies, play games, and simply enjoy being together. 

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Your Turn:
How do YOU prepare for the holidays with your children?
Do you have any tips or advice?
Leave us a comment.
Love to hear from you!

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FREEbie Friday - Black Friday Style

There are some AWESOME deals going online today. As I mentioned earlier, I am a Cyber Monday kind of girl but what I love about these deals is that I don't have to wait until Monday to get these ONLINE! That means no claustrophobia flare ups for me! ;)

Grab your freebies while you can because they will either sell out or end before you know.

Okay so what freebies are you scoring today? I know I am headed to Babies-R-Us on Saturday but I think today I am going to grab some gifts for SIL and then buy some baby clothes. I bummed I didn't have a car and missed the sheet sale at Walmart But I have extreme issues with crowds.

My questions for you, are you a Black Friday or Cyber Monday kind of shopper? What deals do you plan on trying to score or did score today?
Not quite what you were looking for?
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