Free Baby Blogger Opp


Blog with Mom and Adventures of 8 have teamed up with a wonderful online meeting place for pregnancy and mommies of babies and toddlers called BellyHood! We are looking for 50 other family-friendly pregnancy or baby/toddler niched blogs to help us give away a $200.00 Gift Card! Each Blogger will receive a FREE Twitter Link for posting and promoting the free giveaway opp and event.

If YOU are a family-friendly pregnancy or baby/toddler-niched blog

CLICK HERE to go sign up NOW to apply for this

FREE Giveaway Opportunity!

Don't forget to mention Diana Chastain when you register! ;D

#ThumpingThursdays #BlogHop #Linky, Week #19

Hey everyone!
Can you believe February is almost over and MARCH is right around the corner?
That's my Birthday month! So some awesome giveaways are definitely in store!

This is the last week of the month. I am so excited to have the pleasure of having such wonderful co-hosts this month. We are looking for next month! So if you are interested, just click HERE to find out more info on that. Also since this is the week, it's time to get social! So link up you Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram below, as well as your blog of course. Can't wait to 'meet' you. :)

This week's Featured Read is:
Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop Featured Read

Everyone make sure to drop by and say, "Hi".
Interested in being a Featured Read?
Just make sure to follow the rules so you can receive THESE benefits too. ;)

Want to make sure you get our weekly reminder e-mails?

Please add
to your address book. Thanks!

Now on to the rules. I know who likes rules, right? But I promise you are going to want to follow these rules. This is how the Featured Read gets picked. ;)

your hosts and co-hosts.
Don't forget you can follow GFC via Twitter! :D

Diana from Nanny to Mommy
Nanny to Mommy

Karina from Mom In The USA
mom in the USA products made in the USA

Dawn's Disaster
Daddy's Space
Happy Kids, Inc.
We Three Crabs
Please leave a comment if you are a new follower!

We are looking for new co-hosts for next month!
If you are interested in co-hosting, click HERE!

the badge somewhere on your blog.

Please make sure to add our new badge.
What do you think? I love it!

up your main blog page.
No Giveaways or Specific Posts, please.
Link your Giveaways up HERE

Our hop is open from Thursdays at 12:01am to Wednesday at 11:59pm.
So you can share and link up all week long!

at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.

the Hop!

The other cool thing? Our hop can be added to your site as well.
If you do this, please leave
Nanny to Mommy a comment, just to make sure we know. ;) *wink*wink*

The Most Important Rule
Have Fun!

Happy Hopping! :)

#WordlessWednesday, Week #20 + #Linky

Are you ready for an Instagram dump?
This week we shared a lot of pictures of us:

Daddy and Sweet Pea playing in her castle tent:

{♥ on Instagram}

Sweet Pea decided to unwrap a Cadbury egg at the grocery store, so I had to buy it:

{♥ on Instagram}

Girl LOVES sunglasses!:

{♥ on Instagram}

Sweet Pea got some jeggings from her Nana, TODDLER JEGGINGS! Adorable!:

{♥ on Instagram}
Are you on the new Vine app? You can view a video of Sweet Pea sliding in her new jeggings HERE. :)

And SweetPea and I were super silly with her PB&J:

{♥ on Instagram}

I decided to start up the FMS Photo-A-Day for March! Will you join me? Easy peasy! Just click HERE and screenshot it! :D

Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram:

Don't forget to check out the side bar and enter some awesome giveaways. :)

Please share the linky:

Please add this badge to your post or side bar before linking up.
These are not requirements, just greatly appreciated. :)
You can see where I link up HERE.

Wordless Wednesday Picture Blog Hop Linky

I never thought I would have to make a rule to my WW Linky, but PLEASE do not link up your main blog URL but a direct link to your post. Thank you.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! :D

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Sticky Situations

Caring for two toddlers all day, goodness knows, I get into a-many sticky situations.
I always know that I should go investigate whenever things seem to get too quiet.

When I first started watching my friend's daughter, she constantly climbed into the toy box which was right in front of our fireplace.
You already know where this is going, don't you?
Then one day, while I was cooking dinner, she climbed all the way to the other side. My first thought, was to scream. But then I just had to smile, pick her, dust her off, and nickname her Cinderella.
What else could I do?
I definitely learned to make sure a permanent barrier was placed in front of the fireplace.

Wet Ones is giving us the opportunity to share all of the Sticky Situations we have found ourselves in and tips on how to deal with them through their Facebook Contest! Simply log on and share your story and tips, and you can be entered to win:

An iPad Mini

or Six Flags Tickets!

I just entered, it doesn’t take long at all, you can click HERE to enter for yourself.

Click the image below to view my entry for an example! :)

***I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Wet Ones.
I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
To view my full disclosure policy, HERE.***

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Vegetables DVD #Review + #Giveaway

MACT Excellence Award Award Winning Child Products

Just kidding...kinda.
I have hang ups about a few veggies and actually raw carrots are one of them,
But no I don't want my daughter to have these hang ups.
I want her to have a better diet than me and not have to struggle with weightloss.

Recently we had the opportunity to review Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Vegetables DVD. And in doing a little research on the product this is what I came across:
"Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Vegetables is a media product designed to get young children enthusiastic about eating their fruits and vegetables. The DVD is divided into 6-8 minute chapters, each focusing on a different fruit or vegetable. DVD 1 contains: carrots, apples, tomatoes, bell pepper, broccoli, avocado, raspberries, blueberries, oranges, bananas, strawberries, and cucumber. Simple. Adorable. It features kids having such a good time eating fruits and veggies, that when children watch it, they want to join in. Featuring well-known pediatrician, Dr. Gordon, this product is a positive approach in the quest to get children eating healthy from the start."

So of course we were very excited to test it out.

First veggie we tested out were raw baby carrots. SweetPea actually doesn't have a problem with raw carrots. But B on the other hand...she had never had a raw carrot before this experiment and she loved them so much, both girls gobbled the entire bag. And I feel it's because she saw the children on the DVD eat with her and her best friend.

Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables DVD review giveaway

Enjoying watching the other children. She would say, "Kids, Kids!" and then take a bite when they would. It was very cute.
Copy-Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables DVD Review and Giveaway

So busy enjoying her carrots she doesn't even have time for a picture!
Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Veggies Review

We also tried bell pepper, although we weren't watching the DVD (we had just got done), but they were not fans.

Teaching good nutrition is such an important part of child raising, something I never realized before. I knew children needed to eat fruits and vegetables but I didn't realize that everything I do is being constantly watched by a little sponge. It's truly amazing.

Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Vegetables DVD is an award winning DVD.

Parent Tested, Parent Approved Award WinnerDr. Toy 10 Best Audio/DVD Excellence Award

Copy-Kids Eat Fruits & Vegetables DVD was also approved by the USDA and added to their Education and Training Materials Database for pre-school nutrition.

I am so excited that not only am I getting to provide you with a review but one lucky NannyToMommy reader gets the opportunity to win a DVD to own!

All you have to do is enter the RaffleCopter below!
All entries are verified.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Although I was given free products for review, all opinions are my own.***

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