♪The Simpsons♬

My husband has always has an obsession with "The Simpsons". Although he doesn't watch any of the newer episodes (the show just isn't what it use to be), he went and saw the movie at midnight the day it came out in theaters and he has dressed as Homer for the past four years (this past year he decided to switch it up by going as Zombie Homer) at Dragon*Con.

The Simpsons
2009 - 2010 - 2012

"The Simpsons" - Lisa's First Word

I don't know if you are familiar with this program, but the oldest child, Bart, always calls the dad, Homer, by his first name. In the episode, "Lisa's First Word", Homer tries to get Bart to call him Daddy but he seems to call him Homer out of defiance.

And I think that something has kind of hit Hubby a little too close to home(r) and although at first he thought it was cute because it reminded him of The Simpsons, I think it has started to bother him, because I know it bothers me.

SweetPea calls him by his first name. Just as Bart did with Homer. She has to be reminded to call him Daddy. We have always called each other mommy and daddy around her, so we can't figure out where it's coming from. The only thing I can think of is, my friend's little girl has learned to call him by his first name and I think SweetPea is picking up on this as well.

I think the reason he feels bad is because he works such long hours. When SweetPea was a baby, it seemed every time he would hold her, she would cry. I feel guilty because she only calls me Diana when B is around. But "The Homer Phase" has leaked into an every day, most of the time occurrence.

Did your little one ever go through a phase like this? Do you have any tips on how we could possibly handle it? We kindly correct her, now, but she continues to do it. Any suggestions?

BTW Sweet Pea is 28 months old today. :)

Anyways here are some of my favorite pictures of them. Yes there are a lot. But they are just so cute together:

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Lip Tie - What is it?

I received an email today from a mother who thanked me because she came across my blog and had to google lip tie, but realized this may have been the reason she had issues during her breastfeeding journey. Then I realized that although I may have mentioned lip tie, I never discussed what it is.

I was looking at your blog and read about your daughter having a lip tie. I wanted to say thank you, because I never heard of that condition so I googled it. That's when I realised my daughter has the same issue. I managed to bf her until she was 18months but it was sooooo hard and I was still feeling guilty about it. So thank you! If I have another baby in the future at least I will know! :)

Breastfeeding a Baby with Lip Tie

SweetPea self-weaned at 14 months. I had trouble with her latch in the beginning and constant issues with supply. My daughter was always on the lower side of the dreaded percentiles. And I blamed myself constantly. The horrible mommy guilts had sunk in.

When SweetPea was around 18 months old, I came across a blog (and for the life of me I can not remember it now) that talked about lip tie and included pictures. I now know what my daughter had that made our breastfeeding relationship more difficult, that I believe contributed to my PPD, but now I know for my next baby and ways to boost my supply, so I won't get as frustrated with myself.

SweetPea went undiagnosed but I could have saved myself a ton of heartache and stress. If you are having issues with your baby's latch or your supply, I would talk to a doctor about upper labial tie (which is the scientific name of lip tie). Now there isn't much they know about the issue. But I think just knowing your child has a lip tie, can help with the stress levels, which can ultimately help with the breastfeeding bond in general.

What is an upper labial tie?

Inside your mouth, there is a small fold of tissue which runs between your upper lip and gum (you can feel it with your tongue). This is called the maxillary labial frenulum (or frenum). Most people have no significant frenulum attachment, but sometimes this frenulum attaches further down the gum, or runs between the front teeth and attaches behind them, causing restricted movement of the upper lip. It's similar to tongue tie, but involving the upper lip and gum instead. An upper labial tie can occur on its own or in conjunction with a tongue tie. It's also possible to have a lower labial tie (involving the bottom lip and gum).

Breastfeeding an Infant with Lip Tie

This picture is the best I could get of my daughter, but there are better ones online.

Depending on the severity of the lip tie, they may want to clip the frenulum. Like with any child surgery, make sure you have done your research on all the risks involved, also research doctors, as well as the procedure that will be done. We worked through our lip tie. With the help of breastfeeding cookies, fenugreek, and frequent feedings. There are lip ties that are severe than hers. Just consult your lactation consultant or pediatrician.

When should you consult a physician?

You are the mama and ultimately know what is best. So if you feel you need to talk to a doctor about it and even seek a second opinion, then you do what you feel is best. Trust those mommy instincts. Other times to talk to your doctor or lactation consultant are if your latch is painful. In the beginning, the initial latch on might be painful. As the baby nurses though, it should not continue to be painful. Try repositioning your baby. After years of working in child care, my main issue was how I was holding SweetPea to nurse. Baby and mommy should be tummy to tummy.
You should also talk to your doctor if you feel your child isn't urinating enough. Breastfed babies can sometimes go 5 to 7 days with out pooping, some poop every hour, but they should, according to KellyMom, have one wet diaper for each day of life (1 on day one, 2 on day two…). But once mom’s milk comes in, expect 5-6+ wet diapers every 24 hours. To feel what a sufficiently wet diaper is like, pour 3 tablespoons (45 mL) of water into a clean diaper. A piece of tissue in a disposable diaper will help you determine if the diaper is wet.

I hope you find this helpful. My favorite resource for breastfeeding advice is KellyMom. Feel free to share your breastfeeding experience or questions in the comments below! :)

Aloha Friday Blog Hop

I am co-hosting the Aloha Friday Blog Hop this month! :D

#ThumpingThursdays #BlogHop Week #24 & Last Day to Vote!

Please, please everyone, today is the LAST DAY to vote for 'Nanny to Mommy' for Top Couponing Mom, so if you could all head over HERE and just click vote next to 'Nanny to Mommy', I would really appreciate it.
Okay so let's get to hopping!
We had over 170 blogs link-up last week!

Also my sister-in-law is raising money for the March of Dimes:

This week's Featured Read is:
My Imperfect ...

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Diana from Nanny to Mommy
Nanny to Mommy

Karina from Mom In The USA
mom in the USA products made in the USA

Berice Baby
Funny PostPartum Lady
The Non-Martha Momma

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Our hop is open from Thursdays at 12:01am to Wednesday at 11:59pm.
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at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.

the Hop!

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Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know. ;) *wink*wink*

The Most Important Rule
Have Fun!

Happy Hopping! :)

Celebrating Easter, #WordlessWednesday Week 25 + #Linky

Okay first of all a Shameless Plug:
Tomorrow is the last day to vote for me (Nanny to Mommy) as Top Couponing Mom and I would really, really appreciate it, if you shared a click. Thanks!

This week's Wordless Wednesday, features pictures from our Easter. How was yours? Did you hunt eggs? Get/give Easter baskets? Go to church? Wear a pretty spring dress? I'd love to hear all about it!

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Attention Bloggers! I would love if you'd share your picture posts with me.

And please make sure to keep up with us on Instagram:

Also don't forget to check out the side bar and enter some awesome giveaways. :)

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These are not requirements, just greatly appreciated. :)
You can see where I link up HERE.

Wordless Wednesday Picture Blog Hop Linky

I never thought I would have to make a rule to my WW Linky, but PLEASE do not link up your main blog URL but a direct link to your post. Thank you.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! :D

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