Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers {Review & Coupon}

Thank you so much Huggies for letting me share this product with all of my readers by providing products for this review.

This diaper has made diaper changes easier for me and SweetPea because I can just can catch her and go.
I tried this product when SweetPea was still crawling, but honestly I didn't care for it. Most of the time it was a great product, but she a runny poopie incident once and this diaper didn't hold up. But I was using them wrong! This diaper is actually designed for babies who are standing and newly walking.

I wanted to give these diapers a second chance because my friend is really fond of them. And there are always such great deals and coupons out for them! So I gave it another go. And I am impressed with them! They have been great for SweetPea and we have no complaints.

Huggies Little Movers Slip On Diapers ReviewHuggies Little Movers Slip On Diapers Review

Huggies has listened to moms to create a diaper that includes some great features:
- stretchy sides that require no adjustments for a great fit
- The diaper slips on easy leaves no red marks and comes off easy too.
- Easy open sides and grip tabs make removal and rolling up the diaper for disposal simple and easy.
- Has trusted Leak Lock® Protection. The diaper absorbs-away layers and long-lasting core lock in wetness and keep baby dry.

There's a GREAT coupon online where you save $2 on any one package of HUGGIES® Little Movers Slip-On® Diaper Pants, but if you share it with three friends, the coupon value increases to $2.50! {Click HERE to print your coupon}

Have you tried this product before? If so, what did you think? If not, would you consider purchasing Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers for you little one or someone else?

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for HUGGIES. I received product samples to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own.

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#ThumpingThursdays #BlogHop Week #27 {#Linky}

It's the Social Thumping Thursdays!

Let's pull out our virtual dance floors and

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 New Bloggy Friends!

You are all so amazing for hopping by each and every week! 

HAPPY HOPPING, everyone!

This week's
Featured Read is:


Evelyn at My Turn For US

My Turn For Us

Everyone make sure to drop by and say, "Hi".

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Now on to the rules. I know who likes rules, right?

These are simple requests that help me pick the Featured Read.


1. Follow your hosts and any co-hosts.

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Diana from Nanny to Mommy

Nanny to Mommy

Karina from Mom In The USA

mom in the USA products made in the USA


Dana @This Silly Girl's Life

Liz @Funny PostPartum Lady 

AJ @One Part Joy One Part Circus

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2. Add the badge somewhere on your blog.

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Our hop is open from Thursdays at 12:01am to Wednesday at 11:59pm.

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4. Visit at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.

5. Share the Hop!

The other cool thing, our hop can be added to your site as well.

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Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know.

6. The Most Important Rule

Have Fun!


Happy Hopping!

Massdrop Keurig Giveaway

Nanny to Mommy is excited to join Adventures of 8 and Blog with Mom in a new Advertise with Bloggers Event!

One lucky reader will WIN a Keruig from our friends at Massdrop, the newest way to buy online and save money!


Let me tell you a bit about Massdrop and how you can use this new site to save you MONEY!!! This is unlike any site I have seen before, as it works off of 'group buys' to offer the lowest price and YOU can vote for items you would like to have brought to Massdrop!

Don't Judge Others {Wordful Wednesday}

Hey Everyone! I'm here at the Graco Jogger Event today! :D

This Wordless Wednesday is actually very Word-FULL!

I had a not so great experience yesterday with someone close to me. And maybe they read this (I don't know), but they probably won't know what this is about or if it was even directed at them if they saw it. But it makes me feel better to get it out.

Sarcasm is Awesome.
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Also don't forget to check out the side bar and enter some awesome giveaways. :)

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These are not requirements, just greatly appreciated. :)
You can see where I link up HERE.

Wordless Wednesday Picture Blog Hop Linky

I never thought I would have to make a rule to my WW Linky, but PLEASE do not link up your main blog URL but a direct link to your post. Thank you.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday! :D

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