Top 100 Baby Blogs to Follow - We Made #6!

I have been a fan of reading other's blogs since 2003 when I first started blogging back on Live Journal. I was recently contacted by someone who was interested in including my blog in an Infograph featuring the Top 100 Baby Blogs to Follow. (Really? You like me?) So I decided to share it here on my blog because I am so excited to be featured at number 6! I am thrilled to be featured with some of my favorite blogs, including Oh So Amelia and The Leaky Boob! You can also vote for me HERE at the Top Baby Blogs. I am listed in the Top 100 of over 500 blogs!

Friend Your Mom - Join The Movement

I don't know whether to feel honored or embarrassed but my photo was featured in Zale's new video for Mother's Day.

What is going on in this picture? Besides the fact that I have a HUGE gap, my pants are too tight, there's a desert background but I'm wearing a beach shirt? But that big plastic ring really classes it up.

Here's the video. Enjoy!

ENJ Photography Contest

Please help us win a photo shoot by going HERE and liking the picture below on Facebook. I would really appreciate. :)

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop, Week #28

Can you believe it's May?!
I hope all those April showers brought you tons of May flowers
and many cute little bunnies. :)

HAPPY HOPPING, everyone! :D

This week's Featured Read is:

Everyone make sure to drop by and say, "Hi".
Interested in being a Featured Read?
Just make sure to follow the rules so you can receive THESE benefits too. ;)

Want to make sure you get our weekly reminder e-mails?

Please add
to your address book. Thanks!

Now on to the rules. I know who likes rules, right?

your hosts and any co-hosts.
Don't forget you can follow GFC via Twitter or Yahoo! :D

Diana from Nanny to Mommy
Nanny to Mommy
Follow via GFC
Blog Lovin - Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest - Instagram - Google+ - YouTube

Karina from Mom In The USA
mom in the USA products made in the USA
Blog Lovin - RSS - Twitter - Facebook - Google+ - Pinterest

This Silly Girl's Life
Funny PostPartum Lady
Life of Faith

Please leave a comment if you are a new follower!

We are scheduling co-hosts now!
Please e-mail us and let us know so we can get you down on the calendar!

the badge somewhere on your blog.

Please make sure to add our new badge.
What do you think? I love it!

up your main blog page.
No Giveaways or Specific Posts, please.
Link your Giveaways up HERE

Our hop is open from Thursdays at 12:01am to Wednesday at 11:59pm.
So you can share and link up all week long!

at least the two blogs before yours in the link set-up.

the Hop!

The other cool thing, our hop can be added to your site as well.
If you do this, please leave
Nanny to Mommy a comment so we know. ;) *wink*wink*

The Most Important Rule
Have Fun!

Happy Hopping! :)

Mom Can Ride - InStep Trailer Giveaway