Top Tips for Long-Term Health as an Expat

Staying healthy is just as important when you transition into your expat life as it is when you’re living in your home country. If anything, it becomes more important to focus on your health and well-being during the stressful process of moving abroad.

Top Tips for Long-Term Health as an Expat

Ensuring long-term health as an expat requires healthy eating and regular physical exercise, but that’s not all. Although they are the foundations of great physical health, there are many additional things to consider, including things that contribute to great mental, social, and financial health. Below, we have covered some top tips for long-term health and well-being when you move to another country if you’re tired of where you live.

Mom’s Guide to Investing in Self-Care & Personal Wellness

As a loving parent, you will always look for ways to give your child the best possible start in life. While it’s wonderful that they are your greatest priority, it cannot become an excuse to overlook your personal needs. After all, a little wellness goes a long way to helping you support the family as well as yourself.

Mom’s Guide to Investing in Self-Care & Personal Wellness

Getting back into a routine that includes self-care can feel a little daunting, not least because you might not know where to start. Thankfully, seemingly small sweeps can make a big difference. Here are 10 ways that you can support your personal wellness while also indirectly helping your loved ones.

Coping with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: Strategies and Support

Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) are complex, often misunderstood conditions that involve compulsively damaging one's own body. Common BFRBs include hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking (dermatillomania), and nail-biting (onychophagia). While these behaviors might seem harmless or merely annoying to outsiders, they can significantly impact the lives of those who struggle with them. This post aims to provide insights, strategies, and resources for coping with BFRBs, helping individuals find effective ways to manage and overcome these behaviors. Also, it aims to reduce the stigma and shame associated with BFRBs, as well as promote understanding and compassion towards those who struggle with them.

Coping with Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: Strategies and Support

How Do You Know If Divorce Is the Right Option?

No one likes to be wrong about the relationship that they have decided to commit themselves to. Especially if it’s a marriage. However, if you have been having doubts about the future of your partnership, then the word ‘divorce’ may loom large over your thoughts. You might not want to rush into anything, but there is a decision to be made, and here are some of the elements you might want to think about when considering pulling the plug.

How Do You Know If Divorce Is the Right Option?

Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance. What is it? What does it mean? And how do we achieve it? I don't know about you, but husband (and probably every man in my family) has trouble with it. It is engrained in their heads from a long history that their worth is tied up in their work. In short, work-life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the demands of one's career and the demands of one's personal life. Work-life balance is a wellbeing issue. That's why woman tend to have such a burden with the mental load stacking too high because there is a systematic work-life imbalance in the work force. So, how can we help create work-life balance for the men in our lives whom we love? This Father's Day, give a gift that can help them achieve a better work-life balance. And remind them that therapy and counseling is not taboo anymore and always a great option.